Parrot Heads Don Winter PHeathers

Parrot Heads Don Winter PHeathers

Cold, warm, cold, warm, cold; weather can’t make up its’ mind, but Parrot Heads adapted and partied on.  Hey, it’s winter at the beach, but there’s always a sunny day to make you smile and say “Ah-h-h… Dang, this place is great!” whether it’s 70 degrees or 30 degrees.  Our regularly scheduled PHirst PHriday PHlocking drew in the locals to listen to great tunes from 4 Ever More, snarf some good food and grog, and catch up on whassup around town.  We started collecting our outrageously expensive (what???) member dues of $10 for the year to help support activities and cover expenses, and also signed up a bunch of new members who wanted to join in on the fun and community spirit.  Lots of happy feet ate up the dance floor too.  Good friends, good times, and more to come in 2013 and beyond.

A couple of weeks later, we cranked out our annual “PHluff Up The PHlock” gathering of PH Board members and other interested Parrot Heads to take a look at where we’ve been and where we’re going as a Club and settle on new officers and Board members.  35 feathered friends gathered at Stones End and broke into groups to comment, throw out ideas, and plan; what a great crew!  Quickie highlights:  We’re upgrading and updating our website (come check us out at, Facebook, and Twitter so everyone can stay up to the minute on whassup with us, pumping up organization and fun stuff at our monthly PHlockings at the beloved Emerald Club, promoting quality and involved membership and fun, and plotting out this year’s activities and charity work.

If you look into your crystal ball and say “Eenie, meenie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak…” (Hey, old geezers think Bullwinkle and Rocky), you’ll get a vision of good stuff to come.  OR, just read on for a sneak peek…  Aside from themed PHlockings, great music from some of our favorite bands, and all out inside and outside fun and frolic at the E. Club, we’re planning a heavy duty schedule of fun events that fit our motto of “Party with a Purpose”.  March 2 – help out with the NC Coastal Federation to clean up Hoop Pole Creek in Atlantic Beach.  March 16- Check out our booth at the Emerald Isle St. Patty’s Day Fest; stop by for a great Riff Raff Raffle with proceeds and donations to a local charity TBA, giveaway bling, Party-On the Parrot, photo opportunities, meet some of the crew, and find out what we’re all about having a great time while we help out in our community.  April 6 – Adopt a Highway Spring Litter Pickup making the entrance to the Isle a cleaner prettier place from Rte. 24 to over the bridge.  April 13- Town wide scavenger Hunt with prizes and team entrance fee donated to charity.  April 11- New Member Social at Senor Dick’s Piano Bar, a get together and get to know new members in a fun atmosphere.  May 18 – The world renown Beach Bicycle Poker Run, our major fundraiser benefitting Wounded Warriors with bike decorating contests, rowdy stops and door prizes, a huge raffle for great items donated by generous local merchants and individuals, cash prizes for the best poker hand, and a great day of fun and laughter.  June and July are open and we’re toying with other ideas (but then again, maybe we need a break to chill on the beach).  August 4 – Annual Parrot Head weekend with the just for fun Pelican Island Beach Party.  September TBA – Annual “The Coast is Clear Under the Pier” Party; fun in the sun and surf with games, food, and raffles with all proceeds going to a chosen charity.  September 28 – Oktoberfest, a new party this year with proceeds benefitting cancer research.   October 19- Fall Adopt a Highway litter pickup.  Other October possibilities??? – Pet Parade and costume contest; boat dinner cruise?   November – Float building and entry in the EI holiday parade (any prize $ gets donated to charity).  December- Toys for Tots donations and food drive.  Gonna be a busy year for sure, and that doesn’t include the other stuff we do as a need arises!

The need also arises (so does the sun) to wish a Happy Birthday to the following Parrot Heads who took another trip around the sun in February.   They be: Jane Allen, Mendy Barrow, Jan “Bless Your Heart” Hicks, Sue “Secretary” Stone, Joan “Swansboro” Gerdsen, Ashton Mayne, Susan Hurley, Mike Lincoln, Tim “Generous” Randall, Marcia McMahan, Debra Pontenberg, Deborah Styron, Gary Hardee, Vickie Burgess, Mike “Mr. E Club” Haut (Biggie B’Day, by the way!), Don Hurley, Janice Luttner, Susan Venters, Michelle Akers, and Eric Starnes.

Forging onward through the fog, we leave you with a good thought to think on… “A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are.”  See y’all around town… Ken

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