Looking For Some Help because The Tax Man Cometh

The local AARP Tax Aide program is in need of a person or two who is willing to volunteer one morning a week (either monday or wednesday) to assist elderly folks file their 2016 income tax returns from the end of January to April 17th.  No experience is necessary, all training will be provided.     All you will be required to do is assist the tax payer by verifying they have the necessary documents  they need and placing their forms in the sequence needed for the actual volunteer tax preparer who inputs them into the computer.   You will not be required to know tax law or computer data entry,  and there will always be several experienced people around you to answer any questions we have or to assist in any way necessary.

I have done this now for four years and find it very rewarding, the other people who have volunteered in the past are no longer available so we are looking for some new blood for the program.  If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to contact me and we can discuss them.  Bob Horner, 252-764-3479, rhorner6@ec.rr.com

We will always have experienced AARP Tax experts with us and will never be put in any uncomfortable situations.  The facility is in the Library on Taylor Norton Road, and we are there mon and weds from 9am until about 1pm.


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