Good Morning and happy Wednesday!

Just a quick reminder that we are getting a LOT of social media up and running to include twitter, instagram,and a YouTube Channel!
If you are already on Facebook or plan to join in the phun….look for our FB pages!  We actually have 4. But they have different purposes and this helps to keep any page from getting bogged down or information lost in the shuffle!   Enjoy!
PHIP, Inc.:  This page is for all things from your Board and about the happenings in our PH community.
PHIP’S Meeting of the Minds:  This one is of course for all things Meeting of the Minds!
Parrot Heads in Paradise Squawk Box:  This page is for parrothead phun and chatter, sharing phun stuff, pictures, trivia, questions, and more….just to be social
PHiP Parrothead Club Events and Trop Rock shows: this one is to promote and provide information about your club events, activities, musical performances, live shows, virtual shows, etc.


Fins Up!

Billy Brehm

President, PHiP, Inc.
President,Chicago Parrothead Club

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