Having had some conversations in the past few weeks with various Parrot Heads; the conclusion was that we were overdue for a Phlash Phlocking……
So in the Parrot Head way of overdoing, we plan to do two phlash Phlockings around the upcoming weekend.
- Saturday August 1st at 9:00 AM. A repeat of the popular “Coffee Phlocking” at Stir It
Up. We had such an enthusiastic turnout last time that another morning get together is well overdue. Stir It Up is in the Food Lion Plaza at the end of the building for those who may not have been there before. Hope to see you all there!
- Monday August 3rd at 7:00 PM. The EIPHC’s own DJ-JD, the Music Man (John Dyer) will be playing
tunes from 7-10 at the Irish Pirate, come on out to support him and enjoy an evening of eclectic music and your favorites by request. Of course, the Irish Pirate is in the Plantation shopping center, across the aisle from RuckerJohns.