Our purpose is to assist in community and environmental concerns and provide a variety of social activities for people who enjoy the music of Jimmy Buffett and the tropical lifestyle he personifies.
The Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club (EIPHC) is a non-profit organization that assists locally to help better the community and environment, and was started in 2002 by founders Mike & Pat Haut and Bonnie Forkey growing to 39 members by the end of its’ first year. We are currently the 8th largest club in the world with 511 members. In 2017 the EIPHC raised $27,289 in support of local charities and non profit organizations, and have contributed numerous Parrot Head hours to improve our communities.
EIPHC is a proud member of the Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc. (PHIP), a national organization recognized by Jimmy Buffett. Since 1989, Parrot Head clubs have been helping their communities with the motto in mind to “Party with a Purpose”. This statement is more than just a motto, local clubs like the EIPHC, believe it and live it.

We Are Parrot Heads!
We are Parrot Heads because we are not afraid to be silly or act foolish, and we are not afraid of love. We are Parrot Heads because we like scantily clad members of our favorite sex, and playing in the sun with those same members. We like singing songs that say all of these things.
We are Parrot Heads because we believe the best things in life cannot be bought, and sharing the best things make them better. We believe in the innate goodness in all of us. We are Parrot Heads because we know shared joy is increased, and shared pain is lessened. We know a good friend has value beyond measure.
It just so happens, that Jimmy Buffett sings about all these things. So, we are not Parrot Heads because we are Jimmy Buffett fans, we are Jimmy Buffett fans because we are Parrot Heads! We are Parrot Heads because we love beaches, the ocean and our planet. We love having fun.
Thanks for sharing your support for the Bike/Hike Trail in Cape Carteret! We look forward to working with you on community projects!