The Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club will hold their monthly Phlocking on Friday, February 3rd at the Emerald Club. The fun begins at 7:00 pm. It’s that AMOROUS time of the year, so put on some RED or slap on a few HEARTS and come “Party with a Purpose”!! Our 50-50 drawing will raise funds for HEARTworm prevention for dogs at our local shelter. There will be fun COUPLES games (singles are welcome too!) and of course prizes. As always the E-Club will provide a LOVEly location, some HEARTy food and drink specials that will make you want to KISS your bartender. Don’t forget to be FAITHFUL and pay your annual dues. You can also pick up a BEAUTIFUL Parrot Head T-shirt to show some DEVOTION for the EIPHC.
Monthly Archives: January 2017
Time to Pay Your 2017 Annual Dues
If you have not already paid your dues, please do so by February 15th. Members, whose dues are not paid will be placed on an inactive list and will not be receiving current emails and newsletters. The cost is only $10.00 per person.
Three easy ways to pay:
1. Attend the February “Phlocking”
2. Mail your check to: EIPHC PO Box 4293 Emerald Isle, NC 28594-4293
3. Pay through the Website using PayPal.
If using the website, each membership is $10.61 to PayPal. When you open the website, look to the right under the heading. Click on “Click Here to Join or renew” Read “Need to Renew Your Membership” and then head to the bottom of the page. Click on the Link to send money using PayPal. Remember renewals through PayPal do not need any information filled out.
Thank you for taking the time to renew your membership
Continue reading BE ADVISED!! The CASA MARINA AT 2017 MOTM IS SOLD OUT!!!
The January 2017 Tradewind Times is now on-line
Low Country Parrot Head Event and EI Parrot Heads are invited
Looking For Some Help because The Tax Man Cometh
The local AARP Tax Aide program is in need of a person or two who is willing to volunteer one morning a week (either monday or wednesday) to assist elderly folks file their 2016 income tax returns from the end of January to April 17th. No experience is necessary, all training will be provided. All you will be required to do is assist the tax payer by verifying they have the necessary documents they need and placing their forms in the sequence needed for the actual volunteer tax preparer who inputs them into the computer. You will not be required to know tax law or computer data entry, and there will always be several experienced people around you to answer any questions we have or to assist in any way necessary.
I have done this now for four years and find it very rewarding, the other people who have volunteered in the past are no longer available so we are looking for some new blood for the program. If you are interested or have any questions, feel free to contact me and we can discuss them. Bob Horner, 252-764-3479,
We will always have experienced AARP Tax experts with us and will never be put in any uncomfortable situations. The facility is in the Library on Taylor Norton Road, and we are there mon and weds from 9am until about 1pm.
PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest
We are proud to announce that the PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest for 2017 is NOW OPEN!!!!!!
Summary of the PHiP Scholarship:
The PHiP Scholarship is for current Parrot Head Club Members of an officially Chartered Chapter or their children or wards of Parrot Head Club Members, for post secondary education.
This program was established in 2008. Three scholarships will be awarded in 2017. The funds may be used for tuition, books or living expenses, at an accredited four-year university or college of the student’s choice. The award will be paid to the winners’ school account, when a student account is established.
PHiP awards 3 awards in the amounts of:
Second Place: $3,000
Third Place: $2,000Eligibility: Parrot Head Club Members and members children (Sorry nieces, nephews or other extended family members beyond those mentioned are not considered eligible)The Scholarship instructions and application can be found on the PHiP Website at:
It is VERY important the applicant follow ALL of the rules and instructions. Only typed, electronic submissions will be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.Make no references to your identity, your local parrot head club or your location in your essay entry OR your question and statement responses.
All applications must be signed at the appropriate place. We accept electronic signatures.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICANTS is MARCH 31st, 2017, for enrollment for fall term (summer terms not applicable). Students may apply yearly; the awards will be given annually, based on a new application process.Good Luck to all applicants!
Hoop Pole Creek cleanup

The Parrotheads had a large contingent at the annual Hoop Pole Creek Preserve nature trail cleanup on January 14th. This event is organized by the Coastal Federation, and helps to keep this 31-acre urban park clean and inviting. Approximately 20 Parrotheads met the Coastal Federation organizers at 10AM and fanned out along the trail and marshes, picking up several bags of aluminum cans, plastic bottles, plastic bags, styrofoam, drinking cups, and other trash. Our efforts, combined with the Coastal Foundation volunteers made short work of the litter, and we were finished shortly after 11AM.