Monthly Archives: May 2022

President’s Notes, May 2022

I’m writing this on May 30, which is a very special day!  First, we celebrate Memorial Day and honor those who have died in the military service for the U.S. Each year we look forward to a whole weekend of barbecues, beach trips and other outdoor activities! Second, it’s my anniversary and I look forward to enjoying time spent with my best friend and dear husband, James! He is always here for me and supports all, well most, of my whacky projects! Serving the Parrot Heads is #1!

Anyway, this year also marks the 20th anniversary of EIPHC!  It’s hard to believe! Through the years, everyone involved in this club and its adventures have benefited greatly! Our phlock is definitely “one of a kind.” We spend 100’s of hours in support and earn 1000’s of dollars in contributions,  as a result each year from our membership and supporters.  We are so fortunate to live in a community that “gives back” and then “gives some more!” The true meaning of “Party with a Purpose” is evident in all that we do!

This year will be the best yet!  I can’t wait to see what happens next! Visit www.emeraldisleparrotheads for further updates. Fins up!  Jan H., Prez


JOIN THE PHUN AT THE JUNE 3 PHLOCKING! Be sure to dress to “root, root, root” for your hometeam! Help hosts, Cindy, Jane and Sue raise funds for Dementia Alliance of North Carolina, a non-profit organization seeking to improve the lives of North Carolinians impacted by dementia as well as empowering their caregivers.  More information is available at . Be sure to visit Matt’s new food truck with hot dogs and pizza.  Matt is adding Capt. Dick & the Lost Seamen to our great evening.  BATTER UP!!!