Monthly Archives: November 2016

December Phlocking

The EIPHC monthly Phlocking will be held Friday, December 2nd at the Emerald Club. It’s time to pull out those crazy Christmas sweaters and gather for some holiday cheer. There will be some fun games and of course prizes for the best “Ugly Christmas Sweater”. The membership table will be open and Parrot Head T-shirts will be available for purchase. Come on out and Party with a Purpose!!


Parrothead Club takes First Place in EI Christmas Parade!

Back to our winning ways again this year, the EI Parrotheads take first place with our Recycling Float. Winnings will go to Family Promise Program, serving homeless families of Carteret County. Our float was made of recycled materials (cardboard, carpet rolls, umbrellas, cans and bottles, plastic bags etc. Costumes were also recycled materials with everything from old tablecloths, trashbags, garbage, old snack and candy bags to name just a few. Parrot Heads Party (Recycle) with a Purpose!

EIPHC Recycling Float, 2016!
EIPHC Recycling Float, 2016!


Parrothead Captains do well in Swansboro Flotilla!

Emerald Isle Parrotheads Captain Jason Holland and Captain Joel Dunn each took home a prize this year in the annual Swansboro Christmas Flotilla. This event is held each year on the Friday after Thanksgiving. This year the weather was warm and pleasant, so thousands of people flocked to Swansboro for the event, lining the waterfront and the White Oak River bridge.

Captain Jason and crew took 3rd place in the large boat category (22 feet and over), with a Christmas Smiley Face with Christmas trees and tons of white lights on his 24′ pontoon, and Captain Joel and crew took 2nd (to the usual winner, the Swan) in the small boat category (21 feet and under) on the Defined Benefit, a 21′ center console, with the Christmas by the Sea (sea creatures around a Christmas tree).

Captain Jason's boat
Captain Jason’s boat – nice job for his first entry!


Captain Joel's Defined Benefit decked out for the Flotilla
Captain Joel’s Defined Benefit decked out for the Flotilla


We can’t wait until next year! Y’all make plans to come to EI and Swansboro to see the Flotilla on the Friday after Thanksgiving next year!