Category Archives: Pre-Phlockings

Posts before phlockings – what will happen

Happy Anniversary Emerald Isle Parrot Heads! August 2 and 4, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024 – Join us for our monthly Phlocking from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the Emerald Club.  We will be kicking off our 22nd Anniversary Weekend and Partying with a Purpose for the benefit of Make a Wish of Eastern NC.  Barefoot Wade, a Parrot Head favorite, will be providing the live music.  Come out and help us kick off a great weekend of PHUN!! 

Sunday, August 4, 2024 – On Sunday, August 4, 2024 we will celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club at the Emerald Club.  Join us from 4:00 – 7:00 pm for “Cheeseburgers in Paradise”, fantastic raffle opportunities, great music, games and lots of PHUN!! The costume theme for the day will be “Buffett Wear” or “Fabulous Tacky Tourist” and there will be prizes!!  Your $5 donation at the door and all raffles will benefit Make a Wish of Eastern NC.  This event is being held as part of our annual Island Santa Bar Crawl and will kick off our MAW fundraising. The party will be open to the public so invite everyone that you know.  Your $5 cover will include a cookout, great music, raffles, games and as always PHUN!!


Friday July 5 Phlocking, 7:00 pm at the Emerald Club

Supporting Emerald Isle for Veterans

Our theme for July is Stars, Stripes and Parrots! Wear your red, white, and blue as we continue to celebrate Independence Day!

Join us for the July Phlocking as we support Emerald Isle for Veterans, a recently formed non-profit supporting local veterans. Their mission is: To host events which raise funds to help local Veterans in need, increase awareness of issues facing Veterans in our community and serve as a call to action…inspiring a renewal of patriotic pride & participation.
Funds raised by Emerald Isle for Veterans recently helped a paralyzed vet meeting basic needs and a service animal and treatment for another vet. Come to the phlocking and meet representatives from the organization to learn more.


JANUARY 12 PHLOCKING! EMERALD ISLE PARROT HEAD CLUB is hosting its New Year’s 2024 Phlocking on Friday January 12 at 7pm due to the E-Club’s annual closure during the first 10 days of January. We are looking forward to seeing you all and sharing great food and the live music of the talented Ed Frankfort. Ya’ll wear your 2024 accessories and come “Party with a Purpose.” See you soon!


It’s here, the last long weekend of the Summer Season and what better way to celebrate than to join us at the E-Club with Ricky Lamb and the No Bad Days Band, great food and phabulous drinks! We’ll be celebrating with a summer and patriotic theme so come in your favorite beach wear or patriotic red, white and blue! This is a BIG NIGHT so bring money for our 50/50 raffle with proceeds going to “Books for Babies”and be ready to “Party With a Purpose!” This event is open to the public but we hope you will visit the Membership Table and become one of our new members for only $10! You’ll receive special attention! See you there!

PHLOCKING, Friday, 7/7 Emerald Club, Emerald Isle, NC

July is here and nothing says summer better than Beer, Baseball, and Beach Bums! Our Parrot Head Phlocking will be Friday, July 7 at 7:00 pm. It’s a Baseball Theme so come ready to “Play Ball”! I know you Parrot Heads need another excuse to wear those cool Wood Duck Jerseys or your favorite baseball team shirt or hat. If you don’t dress for baseball; just come as a Beach Bum!  Our host, Donna Grady has some fun activities planned as we raise money for the Carteret Community Theatre in memory of Jaime Long. Bring plenty of cash for donations, 50/50 and a chance to throw a pie in the face of our “infamous” mayor, Jason Holland and a few other local celebrities. Don’t forget to sign up for the Wood Ducks Beer and Baseball trip to Kinston on July 15! Seats are going fast!
Come On Y’all, Let’s Play Ball! As we party for a purpose! See you there! Donna Grady-Big Bird


“Time to Get Lit” Phlocking – Light up the Holidays Party!!! Friday December 2, 7PM at the Emerald Club, Emerald Isle, NC

Come to the Emerald Club bedazzled with lights to kick off the holiday season.  Prizes will be given to the most festive attire. The more lights, the better!  Our thanks to Matt and the E-Club for free food and live music by Brian Felton! Remember to bring cash for the 50/50 raffle benefiting Make-A-Wish, Eastern NC.

“Phlower Power” Phlocking Friday, Nov. 4 at 7:00.


Come one, come all to our November 4 phlocking to support awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.  In tandem with the EIPHC Team “Phor Our Phlocking Phriends” Walk to End Alzheimer’s the next day, Nov. 5, we will represent the cause by wearing all things phlowers! From your petals to your stems, break out the phlowered phinery and shine at the Emerald Club at 7:00. All phunds raised at the phlocking will be combined with what is raised the next day.  As usual Matt at the E-Club has our backs and will provide a DJ and something tasty to eat.


Let’s Kick off “Breast Cancer Awareness” Month at our Friday Night Phlocking! Wear something pink to show your support! DJ Robbie is  spinning the tunes and food is provided by our host, Matt!  The 50/50 proceeds will be going to Fishin’ For A Cure!  The public is invited and welcomed to join and become a member of EIPHC at the membership table that night!!! Hope to see you there!