“The Good Side of Life”
We have all been tested this year with life’s many struggles, and among these, the devastation of Flo! Sometimes life dishes out a bunch of “lousy limes,” and we wonder how to get back to “margaritas!” Yeah, there is a bad side to life.
Jimmy says, “it takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad.” This is so true and is evidenced by the events held by Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club. The success of our club is truly founded upon the attitudes of our members and their common desire to make this world a better place than how we found it! Looking at the good side of life is the way we roll!
As Thanksgiving approaches, I am thankful for many things, and EIPHC is on my list! It offers me warm and happy surroundings and opportunities to do great things. So, like me, if you’re looking for the “Good Side of Life,” come join us at our next phlocking on Friday, November 2, and get yourself involved in our future events. You’ll love spending time laughing, living and working with this bunch of crazy folks as “we party with a purpose.” Happy Thanksgiving! Jan Hicks