Hello Everyone! PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds 2019 is barely a month away and here is some more information as we approach the event!
I want to explain why the music is starting so early on Saturday morning this year. A few short months ago I made a required change to the entertainment schedule for Thursday and Saturday that switched some artists around due to changing tour and show schedules. A couple of bands were moved from Thursday to Saturday. No one was dropped from the schedule but both days were tweaked a bit! The bonus of all of this was we get the Mac McAnally show on Thursday night and Mac also has told me to let you know that he will be joining Peter with most of teh Coral Reefers on Friday night for part of his special set! The Friday night set will be something you simply must see with all of the things that are going into it!
All this said the schedule adjustments moved the music to start at 08:00 AM on Saturday. Jim Hoehn starts the day out at 8:00 AM followed by Johnny Russler and his Beach Bum Band at 09:00 AM. I know this is early but to fit everyone in I backed the schedule up to keep everyone in place on the line-up. I want to first of all thank everyone for being understanding about the situation and I am also getting ready to tell you why YOU want to be there! We want to draw a crowd for a long-time Meeting of the Minds favorite and a band that many people are super excited about seeing back at PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds.
Here is what we are going to do for YOU when you pack the beach for these awesome artists! The Casa Marina team has agreed to deliver $5 bloody Marys, $5 mimosas on the beach, a special $6 bacon and egg sandwich on the beach, $3 muffins on the beach from 07:00 – 12:00 noon on Saturday! Yes…we will have the $3 Land Sharks and $5 margaritas flowing for the whole event as well as tons of food specials! This is awesome Key West drink pricing and it is ONLY during this event for our group!
Now pace yourselves as we have music from 8:00 AM to 11:30 PM on Saturday! Be sure to come on out and sit in your beach chairs and ease into the day! We want to show these guys playing early some real love!There are some other things stirring for Saturday morning support as well to start the day but the details are still being worked out! I just wanted to get this out to you now so you can start your planning to join us for our Saturday morning PARTY ON THE BEACH to start another amazing day at PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds!
One more time…Don’t forget your beach chairs! If you are flying drop by the stores on Duval to pick up something comfortable to sit in…This one is appropriately called “License to Chill!”
More news to follow so standby….there are still things in the works for this year. I was just on the phone again this afternoon…
That’s all for now! Until next time I’ll see you, down the road.
Andrew Talbert
Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc.
PHiP Director of Conventions
PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds
Board member of the Lone Palm Foundation