Are you ready to “Party With a Purpose?” It all begins on August 7, with $20.00 Fee and Registration at the E-Club at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 1:45 (CUT OFF). Don’t be late! During the registration period, Event T-shirts will be sold for $10 (limited amount) and 50/50 raffle tickets will be available then and throughout the run. Make the event even more spectacular by dressing yourself and/or your bike according to one of the three themes: PHINS, PIRATES, & PARROTS. Although there will be no contest this year, pholks will be acknowledged and celebrated throughout the event for their innovative and thrown together ideas! At 2 p.m, walk, crawl, or ride, to 7 designated locations where card sharks await with a poker card drawing and a $5 mulligan to help you obtain a winning poker hand paying 1st $300, 2nd $200 and 3rd $100 cash! Benefits will go to SEMPER FI & AMERICAN FUND, specifically for the Kid’s Outdoor Odyssey Camp.
Our participating stops are offering special drinks and cash bars this year! Let’s reward them with tips and patience! Thanks to Trading Post, Beach Bums, Fish Hut, Snapperz, Flipperz, Gaffer’s and The Growler! PHINS UP!