President’s Notes April 2022


There are times when we all need to get away and seek mind and body relief from stress! The cause is job related, family related, or working hard to meet daily commitments! Whatever the source, we find ourselves “burned out” in our daily lives. Can we fix it?

A vacation or staycation can help! Did you know that just getting away from your daily routine for a while can improve your physical complaints, your mood, motivation, relationships, and even your job performance? If you can, it is time to give yourself a break! Try a vacation or staycation!

And while you are at it, what better way to get away from it all than to join the Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club? You do not have to be local. Many members come down once or twice a year just to take part in our “infamous” yearly charity events! Our club membership is only $10 and a great investment! We specialize in “escapism” and our motto is to “Party with a Purpose!” That simply means there is always a party and always support for local charities, our community, and our environment through financial donations and hundreds of volunteer hours every year!

Lastly, do you enjoy a delicious Margarita, or an ice-cold beer, and great food that’s free? You can find all of this, while rocking to local music every first Friday, at the Emerald-Club, Emerald Ise, NC, at our monthly “Phlocking!” Next one is Friday, May 6, beginning at 7pm. Become a member at any Phlocking, or join online and find out more at! Come sail away with us, enjoy the salty air, and let the waves wipe away your worries! Phins up ya’ll! Jan H. Pres.



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