Category Archives: Article

articles, including Ken’s articles for Carolina Salt

President’s Notes July 2019

17th Anniversary, Alive and Well!

While some of you reading this article were young children when this club began in 2002, others of you were here getting it started! Imagine how different we and the surrounding areas would be without it…no charity events and fundraisers, no area cleanups, no phlockings, and no new parrot head friends! Need I say more? It’s easy to see the importance of keeping the Parrot Head Nation and EIPHC active and strong for generations to come.

We are way beyond just partying together!  We reap the benefits of having young and old (oldish) birds working together to form a strong force with common goals that benefit everyone! Like Jimmy, we love flip flops, the ocean, our walks in the sand, soaking up the sun and breathing the salty air.  We all realize life is good and meant to be appreciated.  We take responsibility for the welfare of the beautiful people and treasures surrounding us and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve them! Come join us this weekend at the E-Club for our Friday Phlocking on 8/2 at 7 pm and Anniversary Party on Sunday 8/4 at l pm and raise your glass as we continue to “pass the torch” and “party with a purpose!” Together let’s reminisce about the past as we look forward to the future! Jan Hicks

YOUR PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds “License to Chill” Update!



2019 MEETING OF THE MINDS!! There are only 67 Days Left to Register!
Hello Parrot Heads! Here is the current update for PHiP’s 28th Annual Meeting of the Minds 2019 “License to Chill in Key West, Florida. Don’t delay in registering for PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds! Why? You have 67 days left and then registration is CLOSED.
If you live in Florida or anywhere else for that matter and don’t want to drive down just ease over to Fort Meyers and park your car! You can be in Key West in no time for all the PHun in Key West! If you haven’t heard of the Key West Express you have now!
This is a great deal! And….here is another REASON TO REGISTER NOW FOR PHiP’S MEETING OF THE MINDS…Registration closes on September 15 or when we reach 3,500 registered Parrot Heads so everyone who registers for the event prior to August 15 will get put into a drawing for TWO ROUND TRIP TICKETS ABOARD THE KEY WEST EXPRESS FOR PHiP’s MEETING OF THE MINDS 2019! More to come on drawings…the sponsor “treasure chest” is growing by the day. Here is your booking link for the “Parrot Head” rate of $125 ROUND TRIP to Key West for PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds 2019! YOU HAVE TO USE THE BOOKING LINK TO GET THIS VERY SPECIAL RATE!

Continue reading YOUR PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds “License to Chill” Update!

President’s Notes June 2019

“One Particular Harbor,” it’s a magic kind of medicine that no doctor could prescribe!

The harbor is right here and EIPHC contributes to its magic each year! Our membership continues to grow as we welcome new members and invite them to get involved in our many projects. Our fundraising efforts have magnified with the help from our wonderful and giving membership and the support of our surrounding community. We are something special because we love to party, give our time and money to the people who live around us and need our help, and do it with enthusiasm! The next few months will be busy so be sure to read your newsletter and mark your calendar. You won’t want to miss a thing!

Now into July we go with visions of making 2019 the best year ever, and we’ll continue to do what we do best, “Party with a Purpose!” I hope to celebrate America’s birthday with you at the PHAbulous PHLocking on July 5, beginning at 7 p.m., at the E-Club! See you there! Jan H.

2019 PHiP Scholarship Winners Announced


Hello Parrot Heads:

It is the extreme honor of the 2019 PHiP Board of Directors to announce the winners of the 2019 scholarships. We would like to thank our judges for their hard work and efforts in reading each and every application. The applicants had to answer three questions as well as submit a blind essay (The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success.  Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure.  How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?).  Wee received many applications and these fine judges had some very tough decisions to make.

Full congratulations go out to all our applicants and the board wishes each and every one of you good luck with your continued education. It was a very close decision and each of the winners should be very proud of what they do.

The winners of the 2019 scholarships are:

Zachary Erlemann, from Cary North Carolina (Parrot Heads Of North Carolina) is the winner of the first place award of $5000.

Samuel Kwatkosky from Ocala Florida (Ocala Parrothead Club) is the winner of the second place award of $3000.

Anna Lee Twigg from Gambrills Maryland (Annapolis Parrot Head Club) is the winner of the third place award of $2000.

Again, congratulations to the three winners and thank you to all that applied as well as our judges who took many hours out of their days to help in making this very tough decision.

David Cohen,
Secretary, Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc,
2012-2019 Scholarship Chair
2013-2019 Scholarship Raffle Chair
2017-19 Mini Mart Chair



YOUR PHIP’s Meeting of the Minds Update!


Hello Parrot Heads! It is a holiday weekend and you can feel Summer in the air! Here is the current update for PHiP’s 28th Annual Meeting of the Minds 2019 “License to Chill!”


It as been a couple of weeks since I have sent you an email. In that time many sponsor deals have been discussed and soon you will be hearing all about the things that our sponsors are bringing to the event. You are going to get a great deal for your registration dollars from the event shirt, the many things that are going to be in your tropical Christmas stocking I mean gift bag, and the awesome entertainment… well I always like to add some tweaks to the music on the schedule or change something for the better as we get closer to the event. I will be telling you about all that as soon as the deals are in ink. When you get to PHiP’s Meeting of the Minds at the Casa Marina you are going to have a chance with great odds I might add to win some really cool stuff this year. A 27 mile jet ski tour off the beach, a Margaritaville frozen concoction maker, drawings to win a special main stage VIP viewing area for YOU and 5 of your PHriends! How would you like some free special snacks and beverages in your special viewing area? How would you like to sit on some outdoor furniture from our new partner Shelter Logic? Get ready. This is just some of many things that will be announced over the coming weeks. There is some cool stuff being worked on. I really want to tell you more but I just need a little more time…

HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE NEW FACEBOOK GROUP? Continue reading YOUR PHIP’s Meeting of the Minds Update!

President’s Notes April 2019

Yep, warm days are here, and we are all just itching to party! One great place to start is at our 16th Annual Beach Bike Poker Run! Whether it’s your first or your sixteenth ride, it’s an experience that offers wonderful memories and great stories that last forever! It’s a time when we all unite in one gigantic phlock and enjoy the day as only Parrot Heads can do. Even if you’re not a parrot head, come hang out and party with us; or even better, join us as a parrot head member online or at our May 3 Phlocking!

Registration for EIPHC Poker Run is online at currently but will expire on May 4. If you register online, you save $5 per person. You can register live on May 18, 2019, day of event for $25.00.

While you are at it, don’t forget to decorate your bike and yourself in costume to win CASH PRIZES. The theme is “Daydreamin” so you can be anything you want! I’ve decided to become the image I love, a mermaid! Also, there are opportunities to win a 50/50 raffle, a “Scratch Off Board” Raffle, a silent auction bid and the purchase of a Mulligan card to aid your final poker hand and win cash! Be sure to come bringing cash, check, or credit card to participate in these fun and lively activities. Remember that what you spend at this event is going to the Semper Fi Fund! We are proud to sponsor them again this year to benefit local kids of wounded warriors to attend an outdoor kid’s camp and be matched with a high school mentor to assist them throughout the year! I love these kids!

Any other questions you have can be answered on our website at ! From your friendly President a/k/a Mermaid,  Jan H.

April 2019 Tradewind Times is now online!

The Second Quarter 2019 edition of the Tradewind Times is now available on line and ready for reading and sharing! In this issue you will find the always anticipated “State of the Phlock” with details about how awesome you all did last year! President Kathy Pfister has some great words of wisdom for us all!  There is also the Top 20 Clubs list with those clubs that have the most members.

There is information about MOTM 2019, “License to Chill”, from Andrew Talbert, an article about how PHIP did with the National Alzheimer’s Walk Team, plus the standard quarterly financial reports, Domino College, regional events and club birthdays.

To access the newsletter go to this link: April2019TWT Or you can always find the newsletter by going to the PHIP website at  then click on Club/Chapter Info then scroll down on the left side to select the Tradewind Times. Please share this email with your club members!
Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way! Keep those posts and emails coming about how Parrot Heads “Party with a Purpose”!! There are so many clubs and members out there doing great things!

Sally Spenny
Editor Tradewind Times
San Antonio Parrot Head Club

PHiP Scholarship Announcement

Hello Club Leaders:

It’s that time of year again for the PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest.

We are proud to announce that the PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest for 2019 is NOW OPEN!!!!!!

Summary of the PHiP Scholarship:

The PHiP Scholarship is for current Parrot Head Club Members of an officially Chartered Chapter or their children or wards of Parrot Head Club Members, for post secondary education.

This program was established in 2008. Three scholarships will be awarded in 2019. The funds may be used for tuition, books or living expenses, at an accredited four-year university or college of the student’s choice. The award will be paid to the winners school account, when a student account is established.

PHiP awards 3 awards in the amounts of:

First Place: $5,000
Second Place: $3,000
Third Place: $2,000

Eligibility: Parrot Head Club Members and members children (Sorry nieces, nephews or other extended family members beyond those mentioned are not considered eligible)

The Scholarship instructions and application can be found on the PHiP Website at:

It is VERY important the applicant follow ALL of the rules and instructions. Only typed, electronic submissions will be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.

Make no references to your identity, your local parrot head club or your location in your essay entry OR your question and statement responses.

All applications must be signed at the appropriate place. We accept electronic signatures.

To Apply: Complete the Parrot Head Scholarship Application found on the PHiP website at Please email your completed application and essay to:

David Cohen
PHiP Secretary

DEADLINE FOR APPLICANTS is MARCH 31st, 2019, for enrollment for fall term (summer terms not applicable). Students may apply yearly; the awards will be given annually, based on a new application process.

Good Luck to all applicants!

David Cohen,
Secretary, Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc,
2012-2019 Scholarship Chair
2013-2019 Scholarship Raffle Chair
2017-2019 Mini Mart Chair

Continue reading PHiP Scholarship Announcement