Category Archives: Article

articles, including Ken’s articles for Carolina Salt

EIPHC President’s Notes, September 2018

ONE LOVE!!! Last night I attended a post hurricane celebration at the Emerald Club where I listened to one of my favorite bands, Spare Change, and ate my favorite meal, BBQ! I chatted, laughed, danced, sang, and hugged and kissed my sweet family and dear friends, old and new! It was great to see everyone safe, truly happy, and allowing themselves to enjoy life in the aftermath of Flo.

As I looked across the crowd, I spotted many who I knew suffered from loss of property, emotional stress, financial loss, and even displacement. I also saw those who worked tirelessly to support, cleanup, rebuild, cook, serve meals, and provide kindness and nurturing to those in need. Some who suffered from losses themselves reached out and served others less fortunate from the storm. Every person with whom I spoke was “thankful” regardless of their situation! What a beautiful sight to witness them all, still tired and worn-out, “get together and feel alright.”

Many of you Parrot Heads have been affected one way or the other from Flo and have served or been served with love from each other ! Stay strong and know that nothing is forever and “this too shall pass!” With ONE LOVE we will work together to restore and rebuild our community back to a safe and beautiful place to live, laugh and play as we continue to “Party with a Purpose.” Jan H.

Lone Palm Foundation – Hurricane Florence

Good morning Parrot Heads,

Florence has created flooding over significant portions of North Carolina and South Carolina.

This morning we were informed of Parrot Head’s evacuating due to flooding in NC.
Many of our club members are going to need our assistance in the coming days.  To donate to the Parrot Head Emergency PHUND or for further information and applications visit:  Lone Palm Foundation – Parrot Heads helping Parrot Heads

Our main focus of providing financial assistance to Parrot Heads in times of natural disaster couldn’t be furthered without the help of the Parrot Head nation, or world.  In 2017 we banded together as a phlock to assist in the clean up and recovery of Harvey, Irma and Maria through volunteerism, as well as financial and emotional assistance. Kristin McFadden’s ingenious blue t-shirt best describes 2017: “Parrot Head Strong – We Will Rebuild”.  The foundation would like to thank everyone who donated on behalf of our efforts in 2017

When a hurricane hits land fall, a tornado touches down or flooding occurs and any of our current PHIP, Inc. PARROT HEADS are victims of a natural disaster, information and applications for the Parrot Head Emergency PHUND are available on the Parrot Head Emergency Phund Guidelines on the Lone Palm Foundation website.

Finally, don’t forget to mark your calendars for Saturday, November 3rd and attend the Lone Palm Foundation LIVE Auction immediately following the PHIP, Inc.. general meeting at the Casa Marina in Key West, FL..  We will have autographed memorabilia from Mr. Buffett and much more.. Get there early to reserve your bidding number! As always, proceeds will benefit the Parrot Head Emergency PHUND.

Sincerely,Jim Brogren
Midwest Region co-RC
President – Lone Palm Foundation
President – Lakes Area Parrot Heads
“2011 Golden Coconut”

EIPHC President’s Notes, August 2018

I wondered what Parrot Heads and Parrots might have in common other than Jimmy Buffet! After a little research, I discovered that parrots scream, sometimes bite and they’re messy! They are very social creatures and mostly live in flocks. Parrots communicate with others in the flock with vocalizations and by shaking their tail feathers. They can come in multiple colors, greens, reds, yellows, blues, orange, even a combination of all of them.

There you have it! Can you see the similarities in the EIPHC PHlock? We are loud, persistent, and occasionally bite off more than we can chew, and we are known to be messy! We’re about as social as you can get and love to PHlock. We speak the same language when our diverse and colorful group come together to work and play. Lastly, shaking the tail PHeathers is our PHavorite pastime! Okay, so we’re not perfect! But, we sure are beautiful! We have accomplished so many goals throughout these 16 years. Our talent and strength as a PHlock make us unstoppable. Thank you all for being a part of the magic we spin!

New birds are encouraged and welcomed to join the EIPHC PHlock. Please visit our website at and sign up online or look for our membership table at the next PHlocking, Friday, September 7, 2018. Be sure to check out our calendar for more events and join us as we “Party with a Purpose!” Jan


James and Cris thank all of you who volunteered and participated in the Pelican Island Parrot Head Party yesterday. It was a blast from the beginning until the end (ended a bit early due to approaching thunder storms). Everyone played together “come rain or shine” and some funny stories will be shared. Again, the Parrot Heads proved to be amazingly determined to have a great time anywhere, anytime! Real Fruitcakes!

We have attempted to list all who volunteered, but if you are not listed, just know that you are appreciated as always for making this happen. Here we go…thanks to Carol, Richard, Jimi, Nicole, Bobbi, Jeanne, Jason, Steve, Val, Leonard, Gary, Donna, Jan, Kathy, Matt and and both Joshes for clearing and cleaning the island, purchasing and preparing the food, grilling the meat, gathering and disbursing the waivers, running the shuttles, providing the games and prizes, digging holes and setting up tents, loading and unloading the boats, and saving the DJ from the rain (a big one)! Special thanks to DJ Robbie for his great tunes and tropical attitude! PHINS UP!!!

PHIP_Club_Leaders] PHiP 2018 Scholarship Winner Announced

Hello Parrot Heads:

It is the extreme honor of the 2018 PHiP Board of Directors to announce the winners of the 2018 scholarships. We would like to thank our judges for their hard work and efforts in reading each and every application. The applicants had to answer three questions as well as submit a blind essay (Explain a family, social, or school situation in which your leadership made a difference. What was accomplished? We received many applications and these fine judges had some very tough decisions to make.

Full congratulations go out to all our applicants and the board wishes each and every one of you good luck with your continued education. It was a very close decision and each of the winners should be very proud of what they do.

The winners of the 2018 scholarships are:

Emily Jo Scircle from Lexington, South Carolina (Palmetto Parrot Head Club) is the winner of the first place award of $5000.

Haley Davis from Austin, Arizona (Little Rock Parrot Head Club) is the winner of the second place award of $3000.

Raquel J Armas from Cicero, Illinois (Chicago Parrot Head Club) is the winner of the third place award of $2000.

Again, congratulations to the three winners and thank you to all that applied as well as our judges who took many hours out of their days to help in making this very tough decision.

David Cohen,
Secretary, Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc,
2012-2018 Scholarship Chair
2013-2018 Scholarship Raffle Chair
2017-18 Mini Mart Chair

April 2018 Tradewind Times is now online


The second quarter 2018 edition of the Tradewind Times is now available on line and ready for reading and sharing!  In this issue you will find the always anticipated “State of the Phlock” with details about how awesome you all did last year!  There is also the Top 20 Clubs list with those clubs that have the most members.
There is an article about how PHIP did with the National Alzheimer’s Walk Team and the clubs’ team participation.  You can read about how to set up your team for this year and participate with PHIP to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.


There is info on upcoming deadlines for PHIP Interim Reports, the Golden Coconut Award contest and the Newsletter Contest.  The latest PHIP featured clubs are in there.  There’s a Lone Palm Foundation raffle for ticket to the Jimmy Buffett concert at Fenway Park.   Plus see the standard quarterly financial reports, Domino College, regional events and club birthdays.
To access the newsletter go to this link:   Or you can always find the newsletter by going to the PHIP website at then click on Club/Chapter Info then scroll down on the left side to select the Tradewind Times.  Please share this email with your club members!


Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way!  Keep those posts and emails coming about how Parrot Heads “Party with a Purpose”!!  There are so many clubs and members out there doing great things!
Sally Spenny
Editor Tradewind Times
San Antonio Parrot Head Club

President’s Notes, March 2018

Wow, what an active month March has been! The accomplishments and acknowledgements of the EIPHC this month were profound! It started with our fabulous March Phlocking, followed by our Quarterly Board Meeting. Next, I spoke at the Emerald Isle Business Association’s luncheon, on behalf of the Parrot Heads, who were eager to hear of the work and contributions made by us. In the same week, Ken Stone, on behalf of the EIPHC, accepted a “Proclamation” from Mayor Eddie Barber, at the Emerald Isle Board of Commissioner’s Meeting, in recognition of our “Service, Volunteerism, and Fun.” Several Club Members attended to support Ken and show our gratitude to the Town. Later, it was time to head down to the Emerald Isle St. Patty’s Day Festival and join my Pheathered Phriends at the Parrot Head Booth. Wow, volunteers from our Club worked so hard all day and the raffle donations were awesome! Our efforts paid off! What a fun and beautiful day! Still not done…Carl and our Big Birds, Jimi and Moh, arranged to present a $2,000 check to the Town of Emerald Isle for the purchase of a much-needed defibrillator. Way to go Parrot Heads!!

Great things are happening at EIPHC. Our volunteers and Big Birds are matchless. We are so fortunate to have you. In fact, the Board is currently designing a “Checklist” form to assist in the management of an event. We are continuing our efforts make it easier for any of you to be involved in our event leadership, no matter if it’s your first or thirty-first!
Thanks again to all! Hope to see you at the April 6 Phlocking, followed by the April 7 Disc Golf Tournament, as we continue to “Party with a purpose.” Jan Hicks

REMINDER: Last Call for 2018 Club Dues

Last Call for Dues


REMINDER:  Club member dues are due in January of each year,  We have sent out reminders in the January and February newsletters. If your dues have not been paid by March 31st,  your membership information will be removed from our data base. That means you will no longer receive emails, newsletters etc., from the Emerald Isle Parrothead club. If you decide to re-join later you will have to fill out a new application.

If you are in town, you can pay your dues at our St Patrick’s Day Booth. If not, dues can be paid in the following ways.

Annual dues are $10 PER PERSON, PER YEAR. If you joined this past October, November, or December, your dues are not due until next January(2019) These are the two ways to pay your dues which are $10.00 per year per person. 1.  You can mail the dues to: Emerald Isle Parrot Heads PO Box 4293 Emerald Isle NC 28594-4293.  2. The easiest way is to go to the website and use the PayPal link. To do this, go to the box on the right that says click here to join or renew. Click on box and then go past the first part (that is for new people) and scroll down. If you are just “renewing” your membership for 2018, You do not need to fill out a form, go to the bottom and then click on the link to pay with Paypal. If you pay with PayPal, please enter $10.61