Category Archives: Article

articles, including Ken’s articles for Carolina Salt


The Swansboro Rotary Club is collecting donations to fill a 58 ft. tractor trailer for victims in Alabama of the Cat 2 Hurricane.  The storm flooded neighborhoods, submerged homes, and left thousands without power. So many came from far away to help us out following Florence and this presents us with an opportunity to “give back.”  The donations will be shipped on Friday to Baldwin County, near Gulf Shores of Alabama.

Jason Holland of Movement Mortgage AT 309 MANGROVE DRIVE (K&V SHOPPING CTR) has volunteered his office for collection of the donated goods beginning today September 21 through Thursday at 12 noon.  All goods donated by EIPHC will be loaded and transferred  to the Rotary Club Thursday afternoon. Please be sure you bring your items before noon on Thursday, September 23.  Here is the list: Collections officials ask that water and clothes are NOT DONATED.

ITEMS THAT CAN BE DONATED AT MOVEMENT MORTAGE:  Peanut butter and Jelly, toothpaste, contractor bags, ziploc bags, diapers, tarps,  paper products, bug spray, button nails,  dog food, cat food, disinfectant supplies, baby wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, D and C batteries, flashlights.

Come on Parrot Heads, let’s spread the love….

3rd Quarter Edition of the Tradewind Times is now on line


Hope all are safe and well!
The next edition of the PHIP newsletter is now online.  You can view it by going to this link
Or you can always go to the PHIP website,, then go to the PHIP/Club/Chapter page and scroll down to the Tradewind Times.
This edition includes information on some special PHIP benefits, a contest, raffles and an auction for members only.
Keep posting ideas for getting your club members together and supporting your charities during this difficult time.  Be sure and post when and if you reschedule events that were postponed or cancelled.
Take care – can’t wait for the end of the virus and for 2021 to come around!
Sally Spenny
PHIP Tradewind Times Editor
San Antonio Parrot Head Club

President’s Notes August 2020

Greetings! Here we are at the end of August and remain in a “holding pattern!”  Since March,  we have cancelled all in-person events, meetings and phlockings, except for our two beach cleanup events which had limited attendance. Although the DIVA Walk remains on the calendar in October, it depends on the state of the Pandemic at that time as to how it will be held and if it can be held.  Same thing goes for the Santa Crawl in December.  Our float plans are scratched and that about sums it up to date.

Question: Is there something brighter on the horizon?

Answer: We’re working on it! The Board is meeting  in September. We’ll be searching ways that our members can come together to support our local charities, business owners and musicians, while continuing to put health and safety first.  As you know, social distancing is not an easy thing for Parrot Heads! Our plans will be based on existing safety guidelines, members’ comfort levels and choices while still maintaining club activity. News and events will continue to be announced in your Newsletter and posted on social media and email. Please bear with us phriends while we continue to wait out this storm. We will “Party with a Purpose” again! Phins up! Jan H

President’s Notes July 2020

Uh oh! It’s July 31, 2020 and I am just now sending you a note from the Prez! Better to arrive late than not arrive! You and I are still waiting to fly from our nests and join the rest of our phlock! That day is coming and don’t give up! As Jimmy said in a recent interview:

“There will be an end to this, that we know,” he says. “I plan to be there and as I tell everybody, that show, whenever it is and wherever it is, that’s going to be one hell of a show. And then we’re just going to keep going.”

This is exactly the spirit needed to continue to do what we do best as a club. We can’t solve all our problems or agree on everything, but we can continue to be friendly, accepting and giving. It’s time to chill, take a breath and calm the high seas by enjoying those around us,  appreciating and recognizing magical moments, and looking for the “silver linings.” Our phlock is strong and filled with amazing people with kind souls who rock!

Although we postpone or cancel our events, I encourage you to keep looking forward and be ready when we’re able to finally get together!  Every day we are closer to when we can “party with a purpose” and until then… stay strong! Missing you, Jan H.


PHlockers Magazine for July 2020 is Here!!!!


Good Morning Parrotheads! Check out this months PHlockers magazine featuring Jim Asbell and the Tropiholics!

Enjoy the read!!!


Fins Up!

Billy Brehm

President, Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc.
President,Chicago Parrothead Club

President’s Notes, June 2020

“Every Day is Once in a Lifetime!”

This new song written and performed by Mac McAnally, tenured member of Buffett’s Coral Reefer Band, is a real winner! What a great way to look at life. We’re all experiencing a time in which we expect one thing, but often get something different. Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate our current circumstances when it’s not at all what we envisioned. However, today only happens once in a lifetime, so why not make the best of it? We won’t have the opportunity ever again!

This thought comes to mind when our club events are carefully planned and only days later cancelled or postponed. We ask, when can we phlock? When can we play together? When can we work together? Although we don’t have the answers, these facts remain clear. We’re still here, we still have each other, and we’re still trying! Every day is a once in a lifetime experience and when we get that one day when the stars are aligned and it all goes as planned, it will be one “whale” of an experience. “Party with a Purpose” remains on our agenda! Hang in there!

Hope you all are doing well and looking after yourselves and others. Remember to Live every moment, Love beyond words, and Laugh every day until we meet again! Jan H., President

2020 PHiP Scholarship Winners Announced

Hello Parrot Heads:

It is the extreme honor of the 2020 PHiP Board of Directors to announce the winners of the 2020 scholarships. We would like to thank our judges for their hard work and efforts in reading each and every application. The applicants had to answer three questions as well as submit a blind essay (Tell us about your leadership skills in your school or community.  Tell us how you plan to continue to apply your leadership skills at the school you are planning to attend).  We received many applications and these fine judges had some very tough decisions to make.

Full congratulations go out to all our applicants and the board wishes each and every one of you good luck with your continued education. It was a very close decision and each of the winners should be very proud of what they do.

The winners of the 2020 scholarships are:

Heather Erlemann, from Cary North Carolina (Parrot Heads Of North Carolina) is the winner of the first place award of $5000.

Laney Phillips from Orr’s Island Maine (PHC Of Maine) is the winner of the second place award of $3000.

Lauren DeFrance from Richmod, Texas (Galveston Bay Parrot Head Club) is the winner of the third place award of $2000.

Again, congratulations to the three winners and thank you to all that applied as well as our judges who took many hours out of their days to help in making this very tough decision.

David Cohen, Secretary, Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc.

2012 – 2020 Scholarship Chair
2013 – 2020 Scholarship Raffle Chair
2017- 2020 Mini Mart Chair