We are just a few days away from our March Phlocking. Come out and support OWLS. Don’t forget to bring a donation from the list or use the QR code to order. We’ll see you at the EClub!!!
On March 1, 2024 we will be “Going Wild for Wildlife“. The Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club will hold our monthly Phlocking at the EClub from 7:00-9:00pm. We will be fundraising for the Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter (OWLS) and it will be WILD!! Join us for special animal visitors, the 50/50 drawing, a silent auction table and Matt’s free food and music. If you are feeling WILD, wear your favorite animal prints or purchase an OWLS t-shirt or sweatshirt. There will be several ways to support this PHantasic organization. Donations from the attached Spring/Summer Wishlist are encouraged and much appreciated. Please consider bringing a donation to the EClub or use the QR codes to place an order. Stay tuned for information on ordering your own OWLS t-shirt or sweatshirt with special artwork by Big Bird, Annamarie Mead.