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President’s Notes, October 2018

“The Good Side of Life”
We have all been tested this year with life’s many struggles, and among these, the devastation of Flo! Sometimes life dishes out a bunch of “lousy limes,” and we wonder how to get back to “margaritas!” Yeah, there is a bad side to life.

Jimmy says, “it takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad.” This is so true and is evidenced by the events held by Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club. The success of our club is truly founded upon the attitudes of our members and their common desire to make this world a better place than how we found it! Looking at the good side of life is the way we roll!

As Thanksgiving approaches, I am thankful for many things, and EIPHC is on my list! It offers me warm and happy surroundings and opportunities to do great things. So, like me, if you’re looking for the “Good Side of Life,” come join us at our next phlocking on Friday, November 2, and get yourself involved in our future events. You’ll love spending time laughing, living and working with this bunch of crazy folks as “we party with a purpose.” Happy Thanksgiving! Jan Hicks

“Flo Reel” success…

What a fantastic showing this year for our Tu-tus for Ta-tas and Chili cook-off! $3,650 for 2018 Fishin’ for a Cure (hurricane relief)

Special thanks to Flippers, Emerald Club, and Island Time Tavern for supporting and hosting these events!!!

If you missed the fun, these are annual events…so mark your calendars for next year!

Boogity, boogity, boogity!…Race Update

Thanks to the generosity of our very own Parrot Heads, BR and Marj Browder, we now will convene in TURN 3. We are using their special parking pass to be able to gather right at the track fence, BEST VIEW OF THE TRACK!…***Tips: chairs, coolers, food can be taken via James’s truck ( contact Jan Hicks) Also, ask parking attendant to park at first entrance (turn 3 is your destination)

See see you at the races,

Jessi Holland

November 2nd Phlocking… karaoke Meeting of the Minds

In addition to all the events going on, we have our November Phlocking coming up. Since the Meeting of the Minds is happening in Key West, we will have our own event with live entertainment. It’s us, we the people. DJ Robb will have karaoke for our singing and listening pleasure. This way you can sing songs you DON’T know by heart. The raffle funds from this event will be donated to our local USO in Jacksonville. Hosted by Rita Babich….as always 7pm at the Emerald Club

Major Announcements and Events

Xmas Parade Float We had our first planning meeting and know what we are building and have a start on what we need. If you would like to help with the building (you don’t have to be available every work session, and you don’t have to be here for the Parade on November 24th.) We have a number of people who signed up to help build at the last PHlocking but if you didn’t attend and want to be part of the process, just email Sue Stone at and we will add you to the communication list (used to announce changes in the building schedule, or need for materials etc) We will be gathering at Stonesend at 9701 Ashley Place, EI on Wednesday afternoons from 1-4 and Sunday mornings from 10-1. We have a late start this year due to the storm so we will need to make the most of the building days. Wear painting clothes!

October 27th (Saturday) – 7 PM – Parrot Head fun at the Speedway. Due to the storm and the passing of Bobby Watson, there have been a few changes. We will not have access to the private suite but we are now planning on enjoying the races from the grand stands. There will be Parrot Heads there so look for us in the stands. This may be the last race of the season, so if you haven’t gone yet, this is your chance to enjoy the fun with your Parrot Head friends. Cost is $15 at the gate and kids are free.

October 28th (Sunday) 2 PM at the Emerald Club – Costume Party and Fundraiser in support of the Carteret County Humane Society. Tickets are $10 at the Door. Sponsored by Island Pet Veterinary Hospital, Black Dog Provisions, 4Everall, E-Club and of course the Parrot Heads. Food will be provided by Black Dog Provisions, Music by 4Everall, Pet Portraits, Raffle and Silent Auction. Carteret County Humane Society sustained major damage due to Hurricane Florence. Dress your pet and win a prize. Come support the county animal shelter with a night of Halloween fun! 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Carteret Humane Society to help them rebuild. Parrot Heads will be running the raffle and silent auction. We need Parrot Heads willing to help and we also need items for the raffle, gift baskets, gift certificates etc. If you have a large value item suitable for a silent auction we can use that too. Please email Sue Stone at or call 252-354-4434. Time is short and we need lots of help on this one.

October 30 ( Tuesday) – Plash PHlocking at the E-Club for Halloween. Know there is a costume contest so dress for success. Know there will be other details coming so listen to the Coconut Telegraph (Facebook, word of mouth and our website) for more information.

Coast Is Clear is Happening!!!

ATTENTION Parrot Heads time to Party for a Purpose…

WHO: Michael Moyer and Mendy Barrow never fail to host a fun filled afternoon beach party. Who’s bringing the Bullhorn?!?

WHAT: Raffles, hot dogs, music, sun and fun! Proceeds/ donations benefit the Humane Society of Carteret County (which is in Newport, NC and got hit hard by Florence). Poor animals have been misplaced too!

WHEN: Join us October 7th for our annual Coast is Clear Under the Pier Party. Good-bye tourists, bring on calm Fall.

WHERE: The Beach bash is held at the Cedar St access, just east of the pier. Pack light, as it is a bit of a hike from the public pier parking. Try to hook up with island neighbors or members with beach driving permits. Email me for more info:

***TIME: The time is floating 12-4ish. With the drawing for raffle prizes starting at 3. Fishin’ for a Cure will be hosting their Pokerfish Tournament RIGHT BESIDE the party that morning! (2018 Proceeds/ donations will be directed into our community for Hurricane relief/aid) Registration (no fee) is at 10 am and fishing begins at 11, until 1. For more info, visit   http://fishinforacure,com

Yayyy! Two Parties for Two Purposes! 


EIPHC President’s Notes, August 2018

I wondered what Parrot Heads and Parrots might have in common other than Jimmy Buffet! After a little research, I discovered that parrots scream, sometimes bite and they’re messy! They are very social creatures and mostly live in flocks. Parrots communicate with others in the flock with vocalizations and by shaking their tail feathers. They can come in multiple colors, greens, reds, yellows, blues, orange, even a combination of all of them.

There you have it! Can you see the similarities in the EIPHC PHlock? We are loud, persistent, and occasionally bite off more than we can chew, and we are known to be messy! We’re about as social as you can get and love to PHlock. We speak the same language when our diverse and colorful group come together to work and play. Lastly, shaking the tail PHeathers is our PHavorite pastime! Okay, so we’re not perfect! But, we sure are beautiful! We have accomplished so many goals throughout these 16 years. Our talent and strength as a PHlock make us unstoppable. Thank you all for being a part of the magic we spin!

New birds are encouraged and welcomed to join the EIPHC PHlock. Please visit our website at and sign up online or look for our membership table at the next PHlocking, Friday, September 7, 2018. Be sure to check out our calendar for more events and join us as we “Party with a Purpose!” Jan