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“Par-Tee” with a Purpose – Rescheduled to Saturday, April 14th

Par-Tee with a purpose….
Ok guys, I’m sorry to say this, but we will have to postpone the Disc Golf Tournament scheduled for tomorrow at 10am.
Since the forecast is rainy and windy, we feel like Sunday will be muddy and slick.
So, we are rescheduled for Saturday the 14th, 10am for singles, lunch, then teams.
Any questions or concerns, text me at 919 697 3794.  Jack Synan

The EIPHC will hold our monthly Phlocking at the Emerald Club on Friday, April 7th from 7-9pm. The Phlocking will kick off a fun weekend that will include our First Annual Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club Disc Golf Tournament. The weather has gotten warmer and it’s time to get out and “Par-Tee” with a purpose. Come out on Friday to help kick off the weekend. Matt will be providing FREE food and the beverages will be cold and plentiful. The 50/50 drawing will benefit Emerald Isle Parks and Recreation to help replace the tee boxes on the town Disc Golf course at EI Woods.

On Saturday April 14th, the fun will continue as the discs fly in the 1st Annual EIPHC Disc Golf Tournament.  Jack Synan and Black Dog Provisions will be providing the food so you know it will be FANTASTIC!!  There will be Novice and Advanced categories with prizes offered for both.  Funds raised will benefit the EI Parks and Recreation to make continued improvements to the course.  It should be great event and we hope that everyone will come out to either play or support the teams.  For more information….see the previous post on the website or Facebook.  Disregard date on the image below, now April 14th

St. Patrick’s Day Raffle Check Presentation

On Monday, March 26th the Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club presented the Town of Emerald Isle with a check for two thousand dollars ($2000). The money was raised at the EIPHC booth by raffling off items donated by club members and community businesses. The funds will be used by the town to purchase defibrillators for the town’s first responders. Mayor Barber accepted the check from event Big Birds – Jimi Crampton and Moh Traini. Thanks to all the volunteers working the booth and the individuals and businesses who donated prizes. The event was a great success and I’m pretty sure that a good time was had by all!!

Disc Golf Clean Up

Just a reminder that we need volunteers to help with clean up of the disc golf course at EI Woods in advance of our Par-Tee with a Purpose  Disc Golf Tournament in April. The clean up will be  this Saturday,  March 31st at 10am. Bring gloves and lots of muscle!  Thanks and see you there.

REMINDER: Last Call for 2018 Club Dues

Last Call for Dues


REMINDER:  Club member dues are due in January of each year,  We have sent out reminders in the January and February newsletters. If your dues have not been paid by March 31st,  your membership information will be removed from our data base. That means you will no longer receive emails, newsletters etc., from the Emerald Isle Parrothead club. If you decide to re-join later you will have to fill out a new application.

If you are in town, you can pay your dues at our St Patrick’s Day Booth. If not, dues can be paid in the following ways.

Annual dues are $10 PER PERSON, PER YEAR. If you joined this past October, November, or December, your dues are not due until next January(2019) These are the two ways to pay your dues which are $10.00 per year per person. 1.  You can mail the dues to: Emerald Isle Parrot Heads PO Box 4293 Emerald Isle NC 28594-4293.  2. The easiest way is to go to the website and use the PayPal link. To do this, go to the box on the right that says click here to join or renew. Click on box and then go past the first part (that is for new people) and scroll down. If you are just “renewing” your membership for 2018, You do not need to fill out a form, go to the bottom and then click on the link to pay with Paypal. If you pay with PayPal, please enter $10.61

Windy Warriors for March Phlocking

What a great turnout last night! Although the wind howled, our hearty Parrot Heads partied on for a purpose! The 50/50 raffle brought in $254 for the Warrior Surf Foundation Emerald Isle chapter. This fantastic organization provides free surf lessons through clinics, for veterans and their families. Healing through waves versus medications. For more information or volunteer opportunities visit
We had several new members join the phlock last night, and we welcome you and hope to see you at our New Member social in April.
Also, El Presidente, Jan Hicks was slinging club t-shirts all night. Hope to see these being flaunted around the area!
Thank you all for making our club fun, friendly, and giving! See you at the St. Patrick’s Day Festival!

St. Patrick’s Day @Emerald Isle

The St. Patrick’s Day Festival is one of the best events of the year here in beautiful Emerald Isle. There will be great food, crafts, a beer tent and fantastic entertainment all day long. The Emerald Isle Parrot Heads will be there is force to raise money for yet another good cause. This year the EIPHC will be selling raffle tickets to help purchase defibrillators for the local police department and life guards. We have many fantastic items to raffle and have room for a few more too! We are also in need of volunteers to help work our booth throughout the day. If you have items to donate or you’re willing to help out in the booth please contact Jim Crampton by email at or call 919-971-9603. We currently need volunteers for the following shifts: 11:00 am-1:00 pm, 1:00-3:00 pm, 3:00-5:00 pm (Drawing at 4:30) and 5:00-6:30pm (Call winners, clean up, pack up). There will be a sign up at our next Phlocking on March 2nd at the E-Club as well. This is always a fun event and your help in making the booth a success is greatly appreciated. Thanks….I look forward to hearing from you!!

PHantastic February PHlocking

What a great night despite the cold weather! Some us showed out hopeful for early Spring… but most of us were bundled up, waiting out winter.

Matt at Eclub provided some hearty vittles, while DJ Robbie was blasting some great tunes! Thanks to our hosts, Moh Traini and Rose Gerrell, Parrotheads raised $222 (how appropriate for the date) for the Do It For Drew foundation. We welcome the New Members that joined and are excited to see our club continue to grow!

PHiP Scholarship Is Open For Application

We are proud to announce that the PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest for 2018 is NOW OPEN!!!!!!

Summary of the PHiP Scholarship:

The PHiP Scholarship is for current Parrot Head Club Members of an officially Chartered Chapter or their children or wards of Parrot Head Club Members, for post secondary education.

This program was established in 2008.  Three scholarships will be awarded in 2018. The funds may be used for tuition, books or living expenses, at an accredited four-year university or college of the student’s choice.  The award will be paid to the winners’ school account, when a student account is established.

PHiP awards 3 awards in the amounts of:

First Place: $5,000
Second Place: $3,000
Third Place: $2,000Eligibility: Parrot Head Club Members and members children (Sorry nieces, nephews or other extended family members beyond those mentioned are not considered eligible)The Scholarship instructions and application can be found on the PHiP Website at:

It is VERY important the applicant follow ALL of the rules and instructions. Only typed, electronic submissions will be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.Make no references to your identity, your local parrot head club or your location in your essay entry OR your question and statement responses.

All applications must be signed at the appropriate place. We accept electronic signatures.

To Apply:  Complete the Parrot Head Scholarship Application found on the PHiP website at Please email your completed application and essay to:
David Cohen
PHiP Secretary

DEADLINE FOR APPLICANTS is MARCH 31st, 2018, for enrollment for fall term (summer terms not applicable). Students may apply yearly; the awards will be given annually, based on a new application process.Good Luck to all applicants!

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