Parrothead Christmas Parade Float

It’s hard to believe that it is time to talk about Christmas, but time flies when you’re having fun and the EI Parrotheads are always having fun!! It’s time to plan and construct this year’s TOP SECRET Parrothead float for entry in the EI Christmas Parade. The parade will by held on Saturday, November 26th at 3:00pm. Several PH “float planners” met recently to put together preliminary plans for this year’s float. Volunteers are needed to help with float construction and collection of needed materials. We will be constructing this year’s float using RECYCLED MATERIALS and we need all members to assist us by saving your trash. If you are interested in helping out and joining the float building committee, please come out and join in the fun.  You can contact Sue Stone at for additional information.  You do not have to attend all session or even be available on parade day (but we hope you are).  There will be plenty of work to do and it will be FUN!!  Float workdays will be Sundays at noon and Wednesdays from 2-6pm.  The planning committe will meet on Wednesday, October 26th at 7pm and the first work session will be Sunday, October 30th.

Please save the following items:

  1. Paint – spray paint and regular paint in Reds, Green, white, cream, yellow and some blues.
  2. Brown paper bags,
  3. 4 carpet rolls (Rita is getting)
  4. heavy Christmas wrapping paper
  5. water bottles and soda cans
  6. old CDs
  7. green large soda bottles (plastic)
  8. blue plastic grocery  bags (food lion?)
  9. white plastic grocery bags (grocery store type)
  10. burlap
  11. chicken wire
  12. newspaper
  13. speakers and sound system
  14. small generator
  15. pool noodles
  16. bubble wrap
  17. snack packages from chips, doritos, popcorn etc for clothing’
  18. old plastic table cloths
  19. old VCR or cassette tapes
  20. bottle caps

. ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE CLEAN AND DRY.  Items can be dropped of at the November Phlocking, at the float building sessions, or by finding a Parrothead friend who is working on the float.  


Coast Is Clear Under the Pier, Sept 25

Coast Is Clear Under the Pier is scheduled for September 25 at 12:30PM. Celebrate the slowing down of the season! The club is providing hotdogs, fixings and chips. If you would like, please bring a little something to share. Games , raffles and wonderful Parrot Head Fun!. Open to Parrot Heads and guests. Bring a beach chair and drinks for you and your guests. See you there!

The 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds September Update

Hello Parrot Heads! Happy Labor Day! Can you believe registration closes in 10 days for Meeting of the Minds 2016? The excitement is building as soon we will be in Key West! The event will be here in no time! Don’t get left out! Register NOW!
The 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds
If we reach 3,500 registered prior to September 15th registration WILL be shut down! DO NOT GET LEFT OUT! We are going to have an AWESOME crowd in Key West this year and the event is going to ROCK! Please note mail-in registration was shut down on September 1 and the only way to register is online at this point. Continue reading The 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds September Update

The 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds August Update

The 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds 2016 August Update!

Hello Parrot Heads! The registrations are flying in, the volunteer positions are mostly sold out, and MOTM registration closes in 35 days! Don’t get left out! Register NOW!
Volunteer status and Meeting of the Minds      
I was sitting on the beach in Key West last night on vacation thinking about all the volunteers that work at Meeting of the Minds to make it the event that it is. Every day of the year I get updates via email and phone calls telling me about all the things that our hard working volunteers are doing to make this event happen. I constantly read about how the clubs of this great organization raise money that collectively amount to millions of dollars and millions of volunteer hours. This is an amazing community to be a part of and Meeting of the Minds is the event that celebrates our success as an organization. If you can make it to MOTM you should come on down and feel the spirit of this special group of people and musicians in 2016. At this point most of our volunteer positions have been slammed to the point we had to close the registration for them. There is only one slot left and we could use your help if you want to volunteer. We need help for the raffle on Saturday from noon to 3:00 PM. If you want to volunteer this would be a place that would really help get everyone raffle tickets at the last minute before our raffle closes. If you want to volunteer for this slot please email Rick Fyffe directly at  Everything else is covered! Not only do we have a crowd coming that are volunteers before they get here…YOU all volunteer to make MOTM happen. Thank you all. This event is yours and it will be awesome!

Continue reading The 25th Annual Meeting of the Minds August Update