January is the time to renew your annual dues. All 2021
dues must be paid by January 31st.
It doesn’t matter what month you joined because our dues are only $10.00 per person and we do not pro-rate them. There are two ways to pay your dues as a result of Covid 19. Please use Method 1 or Method 2.
Method 1- Use our website to renew, emeraldisleparrotheads.com. Go to: Click here to Join or Renew picture (or click this link!) and follow the directions. You do not fill out a form to renew. There is a 61cent fee that you need to add to your $10.00 for each membership being renewed. This is the fee to PayPal. Also, you do not need to have a PayPal account. Any credit card can be used.
Method 2
Renew your membership through the mail. Send check to
Emerald Isle Parrot Heads
PO Box 4293
Emerald Isle, NC 28594-4293
Please remember that if dues are paid later than January 31st, you will have to rejoin the club and fill out the form again. Our data base is updated in February to reflect current paid memberships. Our club dues are lower than any other club.
After paying a small amount of each membership to the National Parrot Head Club, we use the rest to run projects to help the community.
Hopefully, we will be meeting face to face by next summer. Until then stay healthy!