All posts by Joel Dunn

About Joel Dunn

Joel lives in Emerald Isle, and likes boating, fishing, and enjoying the beach life!

March 2013 Newsletter

FEBRUARY 25, 2013

March Edition

ParrotsEmerald Isle Parrot Head Club Inc.



Get ready for this month’s PHlocking by digging out the best Irish/Green outfit you can find and make your way to the Emrerald Club as we have officially proclaimed this month St. Patty’s Month (and the trees, grass and bushes should be greening up also to acknowledge the favorite color of Emerald Isle) so lets start the month off right!   There will be some Irish music, fun and games to help get you in the mood.   Bonnie Forkey and company will be getting us all in the mood and has a few tricks up her green sleeve.

Everybody is gearing up for our next big showing at our Parrot Head booth at the Emerald Isle St. Patrick’s Day Festival.  We’ll have lots of bling and decorations, info on the Club and what we do, a Riff Raff Raffle with a variety of donated items from generous local merchants and Parrot Heads, and of course all the proceeds of this will be donated to charity.  This year’s charity will be the Carteret County Domestic Violence Shelter . I ‘spect you’ll also see Party-On the Parrot running around, and you can get your picture taken in our giant pirate cut out.  Stop on by and join in the fun at our booth and take in a great festival with something for everyone.  The Town does an amazing job at putting this whole event together and it shouldn’t be missed.

Our February PHriday PHlocking celebrated Mardi Gras with folks pouring into the Emerald Club in costume and bringing in all kinds of gumbos, beignets, and other tasty treats related to Mardi Gras (even a King Cake; Leanna scored the baby) to party in true New Orleans style.  Our PHlocking Committee made sure there were plenty of beads and masks to go around, people came dressed to carry on, and pumped up the good times and laughter with teams of PHlockers doing their best to dress up one member in the rowdiest Mardi Gras outfit; thankfully, few pictures of this survived.

March2013 Main Photo

After a spirited game, Lee Summer Williams and George Brumbelow were ceremoniously crowned mini-marshmallow catching queen and king.

Our own Bobbie Raub DJ’d the event with an infusion of Zydeco music to keep everybody cranking with good tunes, and a 50/50 raffle was held with winner Carl Rauschenburg donating back his 50% of the take to the Salvation Army who was the chosen charity for the mini raffle.  Parrot Heads… generous and fun loving as can be!

Don’t forget to check out page 2 and print out  all the dates for upcoming Parrot Head events.

WHAT’S UP NEXT? (print this out and hang it up!!)

March 1st (Friday) First Friday PHlocking:  7:30 at the Emerald Club.  We will have 4EverAll playing, some food and games. Bonnie Forkey and her crew have lined up some fun, all geared around St. Patty’s Day (or is it St. Patty’s Month) so come prepared and dress in your best green and Irish outfit.  The Green is not only for St. Patty’s Day but to welcome Spring to Emerald Isle.  Food by Eddie of Piggly Wiggly.

March 2nd (Saturday) Hoop Pole Creek Clean-Up for the NC Coastal Federation , 10-12 in Atlantic Beach   –   We have a group of about 15 of us going but there is always room for more. Sign up at the PHlocking or send me an email at  We hope to do a little car pooling and go out to lunch after.

March 7 th – (Thurs) 7-9 PM Oyster Roast, Hannah’s Haus, Beaufort .Support the N.C. Coastal Federation with local oysters and great beer, both provided at Hannah’s Haus in Beaufort. There is no cost for this event, but donations for beer and oysters will go directly to the Federation. A special Federation membership will be offered during the event, so bring your friends. Volunteers are needed at the Federation’s membership table and at the oyster tables. Contact Sarah Phillips at to help.

March 16th  (Saturday) –   Emerald Isle St. Patty’s Festival   We usually do what we call a Riff Raff Raffle and folks purchase tickets that they then put in a basket in front of whatever they want to win. We ask for donations from our Parrot Head members and local businesses.  Money raised goes to a pre selected local charity.

We now have all the shifts filled but we are still looking for items.  Please let me know if you  think you can get a donation from a favorite vendor. We still need about  8 more items.  Hope to see you at our booth in front of Ellies Gift shop.  Proceeds from the raffle will go to  the Carteret County Domestic Violence Program .

April 6th (Saturday) Annual Scavenger Hunt  –  Details coming soon but mark your calendar and start lining up a team of 4.  We need help with this event so if you are not up to the challenge, come on and help us plan and run the event. It is a hoot!  (or should I say Squawk??)

April 11th (Thursday) 6 PM  New Member Social at Senor Dicks in Cedar Point  –  Old and new get to mingle and chat and learn more about the Parrot Head Club.  The Club will be providing Pizza and snacks, there is a full bar, plenty of space to stand and sit.  At 8 PM Hector will be playing some tunes for those who stay.  Often times it is hard to chat at a PHlocking, this will give you a chance to get to know folks better.  RSVP (old and new ) to Sue Stone  at or sign up at the PHlocking.

April 13th (Saturday) Adopt a Highway Pick up –Meet at 11 am at the Emerald Club.  Sign up at the PHlocking or contact Jean Jensen at .  There should be a lot of visability with the bridge construction so be sure to wear something suitable for Parrot Heads, hats, shirts etc.

May 18th (Saturday) – Save the Date for the Beach Bike Poker Run. This is the biggest event of the year and we need all the help we can get so make sure you mark your calendar and stay tuned for details.  If you can’t participate in the actual ride, please remember we need card sharks stationed at each of our stops.

HELP WANTEDWe need 3-4 people willing to work for 1 hour at PHlockings.  If we get 3 people, you would only work 1 hour every 3 months!  We also need someone to keep track of inventory and reorder when necessary.  John Dyer has just ordered new shirts and they are in but he is  taking on a new role with the technology part of our club and we need a new Point Person for Shirts. Please consider helping us out. We have almost 300 members, we should be able to get some help for this. CLUB T-SHIRTS:    March PHlocking from 7:30  – 8:30 only….so come and buy early.   There is an assortment of colors, first come, first serve!  Available to Club members only!  

Birthday Cake


For the March PHlocking,  you need to find Ken Stone to  pick up your free birthday “gift” to help you celebrate.  In the meantime, please wish the following  March Birthday birds a happy birthday. Coupon may only be used at the birthday month PHlocking.

March 1           Ronna Kennedy

March 1           Everette K. Grissom

March 3           Carol Poe

March 4           Joy Bailey

March 6           Wade Viverette

March 8           Debra Bejcek

March 8           Kathy Pope

March 9           Mary Passey

March 11         Suzanne Lindley

March 13         Patricia Kennedy

March 14         Gene Harmande

March 14         Joy Musser

March 17         Beverly Stenzel

March 18         Austin Davis

March 19         Ed Palilonis

March 20         Kim Bennett

March 21         Russ Johnston

March 23         Carolyn Fowle

March 23         Betty Strader

March 27         Lanny Thomas

March 28         April Hardee

March 30         Julia Weber

March 31         Will Ashby


Please make sure you take the time to look for, and meet our newest members.  We have a  “special designation” ( a colorful flowered lei) for new Parrot Heads to wear at their first PHlocking so it will be easier to spot them for introductions.  If you are new, find  Sue Stone or Kathy Ruge and get your welcome “lei”.  Of course, the best way for new members to become part of the Club is to volunteer for activities.  Be sure to look for the Volunteer Sign up Book at the PHlocking.


Carol and Thomas Poe from Hubert

Ed and Mac Nelson from Emerald Isle

Jason and Jessi Holland from Zebulon

Gene and Tina Tillman from Cape Carteret

Jon Stone & Sandra Yankwich from Emerald Isle

Jim & Weezie Tuttle from Cape Carteret

Julia Weber from Swansboro

Marcia McMahan from Emerald Isle

Lisa Miller from Emerald Isle

Membership dues are DUE!  Please make it easy on those of us who try to keep track of this and pay early.  Again, this year it will be $10 per person per year.  We do this on a calendar year and do not prorate.  Those who joined late last year will be credited as paid for 2013.  If you can’t make a PHlocking, please send a check to Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club, 9701 Ashley Place, Emerald Isle, NC 28594 for the dues so you can stay on the mailing list. 

 Back parrot

Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club
9701 Ashley Place
Emerald Isle
NC    28594

March2013 Site links

OfficersMarch2013 Phlocking




If you go to this site, check out the mail lists you can get on to find out what is happening with Parrot Heads around the world –  Go to the drop down list at the top and select join our email list.


MARCH 1ST at  7:30
Music by 4 EVER ALL
Food provided by the
Emerald Club (Eddie from Piggly Wiggly Deli)


President:  James Hicks –252-373-1050

Vice President:  Jean Jensen 607-759-7159

Secretary:  Sue Stone 252-354-4434

Co-Treasurers:  Rita Babich  252-393-2263, Carl Rauschenberg  – 252-646-5108

Members at Large:  Renee Synan   919-697-3799, Ray Gollihue  252-393-6645, Jeanne LaVana –910-3265990, Bob Horner  252-764-3479, Kip Baker 252-354-5513, Kathy Ruge—252-764-2198

Founders:  Bonnie Forkey  252-725-0118, Pat Haut  910-526-5877, Mike Haut 910-526-5877

Parrot Heads Don Winter PHeathers

Parrot Heads Don Winter PHeathers

Cold, warm, cold, warm, cold; weather can’t make up its’ mind, but Parrot Heads adapted and partied on.  Hey, it’s winter at the beach, but there’s always a sunny day to make you smile and say “Ah-h-h… Dang, this place is great!” whether it’s 70 degrees or 30 degrees.  Our regularly scheduled PHirst PHriday PHlocking drew in the locals to listen to great tunes from 4 Ever More, snarf some good food and grog, and catch up on whassup around town.  We started collecting our outrageously expensive (what???) member dues of $10 for the year to help support activities and cover expenses, and also signed up a bunch of new members who wanted to join in on the fun and community spirit.  Lots of happy feet ate up the dance floor too.  Good friends, good times, and more to come in 2013 and beyond.

A couple of weeks later, we cranked out our annual “PHluff Up The PHlock” gathering of PH Board members and other interested Parrot Heads to take a look at where we’ve been and where we’re going as a Club and settle on new officers and Board members.  35 feathered friends gathered at Stones End and broke into groups to comment, throw out ideas, and plan; what a great crew!  Quickie highlights:  We’re upgrading and updating our website (come check us out at, Facebook, and Twitter so everyone can stay up to the minute on whassup with us, pumping up organization and fun stuff at our monthly PHlockings at the beloved Emerald Club, promoting quality and involved membership and fun, and plotting out this year’s activities and charity work.

If you look into your crystal ball and say “Eenie, meenie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak…” (Hey, old geezers think Bullwinkle and Rocky), you’ll get a vision of good stuff to come.  OR, just read on for a sneak peek…  Aside from themed PHlockings, great music from some of our favorite bands, and all out inside and outside fun and frolic at the E. Club, we’re planning a heavy duty schedule of fun events that fit our motto of “Party with a Purpose”.  March 2 – help out with the NC Coastal Federation to clean up Hoop Pole Creek in Atlantic Beach.  March 16- Check out our booth at the Emerald Isle St. Patty’s Day Fest; stop by for a great Riff Raff Raffle with proceeds and donations to a local charity TBA, giveaway bling, Party-On the Parrot, photo opportunities, meet some of the crew, and find out what we’re all about having a great time while we help out in our community.  April 6 – Adopt a Highway Spring Litter Pickup making the entrance to the Isle a cleaner prettier place from Rte. 24 to over the bridge.  April 13- Town wide scavenger Hunt with prizes and team entrance fee donated to charity.  April 11- New Member Social at Senor Dick’s Piano Bar, a get together and get to know new members in a fun atmosphere.  May 18 – The world renown Beach Bicycle Poker Run, our major fundraiser benefitting Wounded Warriors with bike decorating contests, rowdy stops and door prizes, a huge raffle for great items donated by generous local merchants and individuals, cash prizes for the best poker hand, and a great day of fun and laughter.  June and July are open and we’re toying with other ideas (but then again, maybe we need a break to chill on the beach).  August 4 – Annual Parrot Head weekend with the just for fun Pelican Island Beach Party.  September TBA – Annual “The Coast is Clear Under the Pier” Party; fun in the sun and surf with games, food, and raffles with all proceeds going to a chosen charity.  September 28 – Oktoberfest, a new party this year with proceeds benefitting cancer research.   October 19- Fall Adopt a Highway litter pickup.  Other October possibilities??? – Pet Parade and costume contest; boat dinner cruise?   November – Float building and entry in the EI holiday parade (any prize $ gets donated to charity).  December- Toys for Tots donations and food drive.  Gonna be a busy year for sure, and that doesn’t include the other stuff we do as a need arises!

The need also arises (so does the sun) to wish a Happy Birthday to the following Parrot Heads who took another trip around the sun in February.   They be: Jane Allen, Mendy Barrow, Jan “Bless Your Heart” Hicks, Sue “Secretary” Stone, Joan “Swansboro” Gerdsen, Ashton Mayne, Susan Hurley, Mike Lincoln, Tim “Generous” Randall, Marcia McMahan, Debra Pontenberg, Deborah Styron, Gary Hardee, Vickie Burgess, Mike “Mr. E Club” Haut (Biggie B’Day, by the way!), Don Hurley, Janice Luttner, Susan Venters, Michelle Akers, and Eric Starnes.

Forging onward through the fog, we leave you with a good thought to think on… “A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are.”  See y’all around town… Ken

Another Parrot Head Year


Another Parrot Head Year

Well, another year flew by for Parrot Heads and friends and we’re all looking forward to even more good times and help for our community in 2013. Catching all y’all up on the remains of 2012, we finished out the year with a couple of grand finales. Remember last month’s article (do you even remember what you had for breakfast? Funny, I don’t remember being absent minded…) where we said we’d share pics of our PHantastic PHloat in the Christmas parade? We had a blast building it with a PHlock of creative Parrot Heads (partying all the way, Ho Ho Ho…) and we even won a $100 prize for our entry which in true Parrot Head spirit, we donated to The Salvation Army. Followed by a drop off of the Coastal Outlet trolley and dumping the plane in front of the Emerald Club, we partied on with Chris, Allie, and Jason singing tunes in the chilly Tiki bar at the Emerald Club. Could have used some hot chocolate!

Everyone was busy getting ready for Christmas and the holidays but we managed to have a huge turnout at our Christmas party with games (we’re easily amused), tons of tasty chow, great tunes from Chris, Allie, and Jason of 4 Everall, and lots and lots of laughter. The typical Parrot Head generosity came out as we filled up 4 huge boxes with toys for the Toys for Tots program and also piled up stacks of canned goods for Amber’s (Mike’s kind hearted grandaughter) Food Drive for the local food banks. Giving back to our communities is what we do best (with a party with a purpose flavor). We DO have one heck of a good time at whatever we do, and perhaps the proof of that is that our little local Parrot Head Club raised and donated $6700 to various local charities last year, and provided plenty of help and volunteer hours to a variety of non-profit organizations that all play such an important role in our communities. We now are approaching 300 members locally and are part of the Parrot Head nation that now has 239 clubs worldwide in the U.S, Canada, and Australia and raised 4.1 million dollars for charity last year, with almost 28,000 members all partying with a purpose in their communities. For more info, check out our local website at or the national website at Better still, come on out and join in the fun and community projects; we meet at the Emerald Club the first PHriday night of the month at 7:00.

And hey! Don’t forget to wish our December babies a Happy Happy Birthday. They be: Bonnie “Founder” Forkey, Scott Jones, Maggie Jensen, Jan Mitchener,

Dicky “Music Man” Scearce, Ken Sanders, Harry McDonald, Steve Heverly, Alex Davis, Roma “MacDaddy” Browder, Mel Fairchild, Kelly “Fishin’” Lewis, Bryant Mitchell, Leanna “The Kid” Dyer, Carl “Coastie” Rauschenberg, Billy Alford, George Brumbelow, Linda McGowen, James Bunn, Bill Thomas, Glenn Musser, Kevin “Photo” Geraghty, Greg Stenzel, Ginger Johnson, Margaret Penny, Loretta Alexander, Lisa Cannady, Cecil Davis Jr., and Buck “Big Daddy” Browder. Phew! Musta been a whole lot of Spring flings going on in March to get so many December babies! We’re really glad they’re all here to play with us.

O.K., time to turn the calendar page over, get used to writing 2013 as the date, and remember although some days you’re the dog and other days it seems like you’re the hydrant, IT’S ALL GOOD! You’re alive in a great area surrounded by fun loving, caring Parrot Heads; savor every second of it! Be safe and kind out there, and we’ll see all y’all around Town. Ken

Chilly PHeathers

Emerald Isle Parrot Heads

Chilly PHeathers

Things are starting to get kinda nippy around the Isle lately so we started fluffing up our feathers and moving  our PHlockings inside the Emerald Club for great tunes from Scearce and Ketner (can’t let these guys’ fingers freeze up) with lots of laughter and some insane games (we may be growing older but we don’t have to grow up).   Of course it’s hard to do turkey bowling inside so that got moved out to the Tiki bar area for some outdoor rowdiness.  There was lots of talk and planning for the Emerald Isle holiday parade after Turkey Day over some tasty grub donated by the E Club and prepared by Chef Eddie.  Seems an ever expanding crew of Parrot Heads kept coming together at Stones’ End to party and create an awesome float for the parade.  “Twas the Flight Before Christmas”, a sea plane being towed by dolphin along with a PHlock of PHolks riding on the Coastal Outlet trolley was the entry.  Hope everyone got to come out to this fun parade that keeps getting bigger and better every year; the Town does a great job on organizing this event.  We’ll post some pics in next month’s article if you happened to miss the parade that was followed by an impromptu party at the Emerald Club with Chris and Allie singing up a storm to happy Parrot Heads and friends.

Closing out the year, we helped raise funds for the extension of Emerald Isle’s multi-use path (“The PATH”) through donations and support of the Rotary Club’s annual Duck Race, and are looking forward to our end of the year PHlocking and Christmas party on December 7th.  As always at this time of the year, we’ll be rounding up toys for a big Toys For Tots donation so come on out for some yuletide fun and bring an unwrapped toy for donation.  Its’ been a great year for Parrot Heads so far with the PHlock now closing in on 300 members all partying with a purpose, having a blast while giving back to their communities.

Speaking of blasts from the past, there are some Parrot Heads who will be celebrating another trip around the sun in December.  Happy birthday to:  Bonnie “Founder” Forkey, Scott Jones, Maggie Jensen, Dicky “Song bird” Scearce, Ken Sanders, Harry McDonald, Steve Heverly, Alex Davis, Roma”MacDaddy’s” Browder, Mel Fairchild, Kelly “Fishin’” Lewis, Bryant Mitchell, Leanna “T Shirt” Dyer, Carl “Coastie” Rauschenberg, Billy Alford, George Brumbelow, Linda McGowan, James Bunn, Bill Thomas, Glenn Musser, Kevin “Photo” Geraghty, Greg Stenzel. Ginger Johnson, Margaret Penny, Loretta Alexander, Lisa Cannady, Cecil Davis, and Buck “Daddy” Browder.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and took the time to really appreciate and be thankful (despite some ups and downs that might have happened along the way) for our lives and those we love.  Get ready for a warm holiday season, and if you start to get stressed and a little crazed, take a deep breath and remember… that’s not what it’s all about.  Looking forward to seeing all y’all around town!   Happy Ho Ho!   Ken

Whassup With The Parrot Head PHlock?

Whassup With The Parrot Head PHlock?

So… does anyone remember cartoons with Mr. Peabody the dog and Sherman his boy (on the Rocky & Bullwinkle show), and most importantly the “Way, Way Back Machine” that could transport them back in time?  Well, we need to employ that time travel vehicle in this article so we’re firing it up to describe a couple of events that took place recently in the Parrot Head world that we promised to tell you about in last month’s article (Were you paying attention last month?).

First off, members and friends hopped onto a beautiful beach day to celebrate the slowing of the season and a reuniting of the locals after a busy tourist season with our yearly “The Coast is Clear Under the Pier Party”.  Michael & Mendy and the crew put together another great party with a purpose this year with around 75 rowdy folks hanging out with the sun, sand, and surf, chowing down on hot dogs, shrimp and other goodies, with games, laughter, and raffles for a herd of generously donated booty that ranged from a variety of gift certificates, T shirts, hats, etc. to a beautiful paddle board.  Our very own Mr. B.R. Browder was the proud winner of the paddle board (how many tickets did that boy buy??).  The best part of this party was the Purpose, as all funds raised went to this year’s two chosen charities: O.W.L.S. (Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter) and Island Cat Allies.  Thanks to donations from supportive local merchants and individuals we were able to raise $1486 that was split between the two charities.  Great stuff, people!!

We can’t forget the happenings at our regular PHirst PHriday PHlocking with folks getting an early start on Halloween showing up with costumes, a pass the pumpkin game, along with Eddie’s food courtesy of the E Club, other games, birthday celebrations, and lots of laughter and good friends just chillin’ and catching up.  Also had some Parrot Heads riding in the Coastal Federation’s Ride for the Coast event; a good time for a good cause, with no injuries to riding PHlock member feathers.  Another Saturday morning rolled around with a dozen Parrot Heads heading out to pick up our Adopt a Highway stretch of road from 24 to over the bridge.   Boy did that stretch need some T.L.C.; we picked up 33 bags of trash along with such questionable rubble finds as a truck tire, buckets, a car bumper, siding, a set of headlights, a child’s car seat (we never found the kid that might have been in it), 3 Lira, and of course the usual tonnage of plastic bags and styrofoam cups.  Obviously, don’t litter or tolerate litterbugs, but please make sure stuff doesn’t inadvertently blow out of the bed of your pick ‘em up trucks or car windows.  ‘Nuff said on that.  Parrot Heads also volunteered with the Town’s annual Triathlon helping out wherever it was needed.

The next undertaking on the horizon is the building of our PH float for the Town’s holiday parade after Thanksgiving.  We won first prize last year and are getting the creative juices flowing again to try for another 1st place, which will be a challenge with all the great entries.  Members have started gathering in a secret location (well really not that secret) to start assembly; always lots of laughter, creative work, and usually plenty of tasty food involved. Here’s a hint… think we’ll be calling it “The Flight Before Christmas”.  At any rate, it’ll be a sight to see and rest assured we’ll be tossing out a bunch of bling to the crowds with some good ol’ Jimmy Buffet tunes playing.

Oh yeah, certainly don’t forget to wish a Happy Birthday to those Parrot Heads who managed another trip around the sun this November:   Chuck Jacob, Rita “Cook the Books” Babich, Audie Tyrrell, Joe Quigley, Bobbi Raub, Deb Heverly, Lucy Gray, Leslie Dudley, Gale “Twins” Tutor, Dale “Twins” Tutor, Rick Demer, “Pretty Marj” Browder, Pat Thomas, Nick Klaus, Vickie King, Nancy “Bicycle” Johnston, Susan Fabian, Kathy “Early Bird” Ruge, Andrew Descary, Jim Rackenhauser, Jeffrey Sicular, Jake Mitchell, Sharon “Neighbor” Ambrose, Taylor Klutz, and Mike Creech.

Our membership is now bulging out daily into over 275 fun loving folks who believe in giving back to their communities and in a tropical lifestyle, so c’mon out and join us to “Party With a Purpose”.  Check out the website at or just show up at one of our first Friday of the month PHlockings, 7:00 at The Emerald Club.  Meanwhile, to all y’all… be kind to those around you and the environment, and stay safe out there!  See you around Town.    Ken

In the Autumn of Our Years??

Parrot Heads: In the Autumn of Our Years??

We’re not “Fall”ing for that Autumn of our years stuff; we’re just getting started with a little cooler weather and the fact that the pace of the Isle has slowed down and mellowed with the departure of beach visitors and tourists who help out the local economy.  Nice to see some cooler nights and open windows rather than cranked up AC.  The beautiful weather and the saner temps brought out a herd of folks (maybe that’s a flock of folks) to our PHirst PHriday PHlocking at the Emerald Club.  Lots of great grub and fun people with a changeup of tunes from Jah Creation; a little background Reggae to chill folks out.   Of course Jane, Chuck, Ken, and Carl were on hand with coconut bowling to keep the PHlock entertained (we entertain easily) and ensure lots of laughter.  We picked up ten new members that night (welcome, welcome!) who happened to stop by the Tiki Bar, had a blast and joined the Parrot Head family.  We’re up to 289 members now!

There was still lots of chatter about the 10th Annual Island/Sandbar Anniversary Party and looking forward to the Coast is Clear Under the Pier Party to celebrate the slowdown in pace of the Isle and return to the locals.  Due to article deadlines (everybody has deadlines, just like work) this will have already happened (have I told you about my time theory?), but with great food, games, rowdiness, and raffles for lots of booty like T shirts, fresh seafood, beach gifts, bowling and golf passes, etc., etc., and even a paddle board the party will be (was?  There’s that time issue again) a fun filled event.  Pics to follow in next month’s C.S. so stay tuned!

We’ll be doing an Adopt a Highway pickup in mid-October to keep the entrance to the Isle looking spiffy, then move into float building mode for the Emerald Isle holiday parade the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  Creative minds (??) will be churning up ideas for this year’s float to see if we can top last year’s.  The planning sessions and building sessions (parties?) are always a hoot and we always manage to come up with some grand stuff for the parade.

While your brains are still churning, don’t forget to keep the following birthday babies in mind who made an appearance on this planet in October.  Another trip around the sun for: Leonard “Super Trooper” Crumpler, Charlie Upchurch, Janice “Crazy Canuck” Brumbelow, Randy Runyan, Rene “Red” Synan, Barbara Morgan, Vickie Creech, Erin “Artsy Bartender” Sheldon, Dan “Lawyer Up” Ruge, Becky Parham, Sonia Brooks, Paula Hubbell, Ricky Taylor, Joe Oebbecke, Wendy “Candy” Gollihue, Kelley “ Crazy Carver” Nelson, Traci Runyan, Louise “Mama Doc” Ehrenkaufer, Bob Fowle, Jessica Pickett, Melelia Bass, Maggie “Volunteer” Rauschenberg, Jay Toler, Marcus Johnson, and Tim Cogdill.  Phew! Lotsa October B’Days… musta been a cold January!

Halloween’s almost upon us so start getting your costumes ready, enjoy the beauty of a less crowded beach, and be kind to those around you (strangers as well as friends).  And of course, that solid advice… if you’re drinking any whoopee juice, make sure you and any friends have a designated driver.  See y’all around town…  Ken  

From Dog Daze August to Sweet September

From Dog Daze August to Sweet September

The heat & humidity of summer have been sticking with us (literally) but that didn’t stop the PHlock from busting out a great 10th Anniversary celebration starting out with an oversized PHriday night PHlocking.  A huge crowd packed the Tiki bar patio at the E Club on a beautiful night to start off the weekend celebration complete with the Mayor of our fine Isle proclaiming Parrot Head Weekend in Emerald Isle and praising the Club for its’ community service.  Our buds Scearce and Ketner showed up with a full size band in tow who joined in the fun and cranked out some amazing tunes to the applause and dancing feet of the Parrot Head crew.  Thanks to the E Club’s generosity, Eddie laid out a great spread of tasty grub and the E Club ladies gave out lots of hats, leis and other bling to add to the festive atmosphere.  Big birds for the event, Jan & Rene, made sure we had some insane games to play to keep everyone mixing and laughing while Maggie R. and Leannna worked hard signing up new members and hawking “offishul” Parrot Head T shirts.  Fun for everyone!

After a little R&R on Saturday, we moved on to the main event of the weekend, our day long Island/Sandbar Party out on Pelican Island bringing out 175 folks not counting dogs and parakeets (young Parrot Head wannabes) who came by skiff, shrimper, kayak, sail, houseboat, and other means of nautical transportation (including wading over from the mainland; not recommended but doable at low tide) to have a great time in the sun, sand, and water.  Of course there was tons of great grilled up food and sides (chefs James, Bob, and Jack with a host of helpers made sure no one went hungry).  Aquatic wonder Sue roped off a swimming area that quickly filled with bodies and floats, more games, water balloons, and constant music from island hoppers Scearce & Ketner added to the fun.  After a worrisome start of dark clouds, the day turned out perfect.  A great way to celebrate a 10th anniversary with laughter and good friends.

So, wassup next?   None other than our The Coast is Clear Under the Pier Party on September 16th where Parrot Heads and friends gather on the beach near the Pier to chill out and celebrate the slowdown of the season as many of our visitors retreat back home after a good vacation and visit to the beach.  There will be lots of games, rowdiness, good food, and raffles for a variety of generously donated items from local merchants and individuals.  This year all donations and raffle proceeds will go to Island Cat Allies and O.W.L.S.  Big Birds Michael and Mendy with their crew are working hard to make this year’s event even bigger and better than last year; looking forward to a great time at the beach!  Also, keep an eye out for our Adopt A Highway pick up some Saturday in September or early October to spiff up the entrance to the Isle over the bridge.

And oh yeah, you better not forget to wish a big ol’ HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those Parrot Heads who entered the world in September:  Duane Brown, Bob “Too Tall” Horner, Sherri Randall, Cindy Smith, Sandra Flowe, Mary “Zumba” Adams, Theresa Lewis, Jessica Frosch, Judy Dobler, Noland Parham, Chris Donaldson, Jo Wieciech, Jack Luther, Deborah Upchurch, Jason “The Son” Stone, Hunter Synan, Scott King, Mike Love, Kate “Colonel” Tate, Lee Ann “Itty Bit” Grissom, Tammy Griffin, and Dorothy Curtin.

Check out the Parrot Head website at and join in the good times, partying with a purpose.  Give back to your community by helping out charitable organizations and endeavors making where we all live an even better place.  Stay safe and we’ll see y’all around the Isle!   Ken

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Parrot Heads – Hot! Hot! Hot!

Oh yeah… it’s been a hot and humid summer so far, but that hasn’t stopped all those local Parrot Heads from PHlocking.  How to stay cool at our regular PHirst PHriday PHlocking?  Aside from a good ol’ cold beverage served up with a smile by Erin or Matt, one way to cool off the crew was with a frozen T-Shirt contest.  For those newbies, not what you might have thought; good clean fun by soaking and then rolling up and freezing a bunch of T’s to hand out to willing participants.  The first one to get it unfrozen by any creative means (whacking it on the pavers, yanking with a friend, thawing on body parts, etc., etc.) and over their body won a prize.  Of course everyone who participated got to #1: cool off, and #2: keep the shirt.  Lots of rowdy fun coupled with great tunes from the maestros of music, our very own Scearce and Ketner, plenty of tasty grub courtesy of the Emerald Club via Eddie, some wobbly coconut bowling with prizes, and the laughter and camaraderie of good friends.   We also hooked up with the Rotary Club to sell tickets to their Duck Race for charity.  For each ticket Parrot Heads sold we were able to keep a portion that is being contributed to help extend the Town’s multi-use PATH, so folks can bike, jog, walk, whatever for 5 miles around town.

Lots of other scheming going on too, talking up and making plans for our Parrot Head Club 10th Anniversary Weekend, August 3-5 (watch for pics in the next issue of Carolina Salt!).  This is shaping up to be quite the event with a PHlocking on the first Friday (Aug. 3) followed by our Anniversary Island Party (August 5) out on Pelican Island.  Parrot Heads and friends will arrive by boat, kayak, canoe, or other(?) for a fun day in the sun and water with games, grllin’ & chillin’, and music by Jack and Dickie (A.K.A Scearce & Ketner.  Be sure to ask Jack to tell you his cannibal joke.).  In honor of our 10th Anniversary, the honorable Mayor of Emerald Isle (and all around good guy) has proclaimed August 3-5 as Emerald Isle Parrot Head Weekend praising the good things the Club does for the community and encouraging “…all residents and visitors to enjoy and embrace this weekend in the same way that it will be observed by the Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club – with laughter and good friends –Party With A Purpose”.

In ten years the Club has grown from a handful of folks with a vision to a membership of 250 fun loving characters who give back to their communities and local charities in a variety of ways, all while having a great time of it.  Speaking of great times (we were, weren’t we?), don’t forget to celebrate and have a great time with the following members of our PHlock who are putting  another year astern and having an August birthday.  They be… Leni Newell, Judy Sears, Michael “50-ish” Moyer, Richard “Doc Bogus” Ehrenkaufer, Tom “Turtle Trench” Minnick, Peggy Knecht, Dennis Caldwell, Mark Kocourek, Chuck “Morehead Man” Sewell, Scooter Hopkins, Alexandra Williamson, Walt Bass, Paula Dail, Claire Stern, Rhonda Davis, Mary Catherine Thomas, Rob Childree, Johnny Foster, Ray “Travelin’” Gollihue, Gordon Pickett, Ramona Hale, Trish Logan, Bernie “Bennett’s Dad” Zucker, Cindi Palilonis, and Sandy “Coastal Outlet” Fontaine.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Enjoy the beach, stay safe on land and in the water, laugh a lot, and be kind and considerate to those around you whether you know them or not.  And remember… “No matter where you go, there you are.”  See y’all around the Isle!    Ken