President’s Notes, January 2018

I hope you all had the happiest of holidays! As your new President, I am looking forward to the exciting events planned for 2018. First, I want to thank everyone involved in making last year such a great success with over 1,400 hours volunteered to charities and over $27,000 raised in 2017. Without you, none of this would have been possible.

I have learned from experience that volunteering offers many rewards. You make new friends, learn about and contribute to your community, and work together for those who need a helping hand. Coming up next is the St Patrick’s Day Festival on March 17, and our Fundraising Booth will need lots of volunteers to set up and take down the booth, work at the booth and donate items for the raffle. This is a fun and worthy event and last year raised over $1600. I invite you to help us out. You can sign up at the February PHLocking or contact There are many more Activities and PHLockings planned for the year in which you can participate and/or volunteer. Check out the calendar on our website for a listing.

On a final note, don’t be left out of the fun this year. Renew your membership or sign up as a new member today. We can’t wait to see you as WE PARTY WITH A PURPOSE! Jan Hicks

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