President’s Notes October 2020

First, Happy Halloween! Can’t believe we are looking at the end of October and are about to enter November and Thanksgiving!

With all  the negativity going on in the news, now’s the time for you and your PHLOCK to party and plan some real PHUN this Thanksgiving! Here’s some tips for children or for childish adults like us in making this one special:

  • Be sure to “have a moment” at the beginning of the meal to offer up a simple prayer or reflection. Remember those who are no longer with you and welcome those who are new to the crew. Perhaps everyone can take a turn to say one thing they’re especially grateful for. This is a heartfelt, sincere, and ultimately childlike way to bring everyone to a similar mindset as you gather together. Ignore the eye rolls and enjoy the moment.
  • We love to dress up according to a theme. Clothes are an easy way to express enthusiasm for the moment at hand. If you’re on the conservative side, now’s the time to splurge on those 99-cent turkey socks or dig through the closet to find autumn-colored clothes. On the other end of the spectrum, you could pick up a turkey hat. Don’t miss the chance to show your true colors. Could it get a bit ridiculous? Of course.
  • Football is a big part of the Thanksgiving tradition for many families. But you don’t have to leave all the fun to the pros. Invite folks to play a family/friend game, something that crosses generations and involves everyone. A few favorites to think about are cornhole, spoons, flag football, kickball, hot potato, Pictionary, bingo, and Apples for Apples. 

These are just a few ideas.  You’ll find lots of ways to celebrate online.  Be sure to feast on some Jimmy Buffett tunes while you’re at it, read what’s happening in your November edition of the EIPHC Newsletter, and follow our website  and Facebook page to so you can “Party With a Purpose.” Happy Thanksgiving Phriends! Jan H., President

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