Category Archives: Article

articles, including Ken’s articles for Carolina Salt

PHiP Scholarship Now Open


We are proud to announce that the PHiP Scholarship Essay Contest for 2021 is NOW OPEN!!!!!!

Summary of the PHiP Scholarship:

The PHiP Scholarship is for current Parrot Head Club Members of an officially Chartered Chapter or their children of Parrot Head Club Members, for post secondary education.

This program was established in 2008. Three scholarships will be awarded in 2021. The funds may be used for tuition, books or living expenses, at an accredited brick and mortar four-year university or college of the student’s choice. The award will be paid to the winners school account, when a student account is established.

PHiP awards 3 awards in the amounts of:

First Place: $5,000
Second Place: $3,000
Third Place: $2,000

Eligibility: Parrot Head Club Members and members children (Sorry nieces, nephews or other extended family members beyond those mentioned are not considered eligible)

The Scholarship instructions and application can be found on the PHiP Website at:

It is VERY important the applicant follow ALL of the rules and instructions. Only typed, electronic submissions will be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.

Make no references to your identity, your local parrot head club or your location in your essay entry OR your question and statement responses.

All applications must be signed at the appropriate place. We accept electronic signatures.

To Apply: Complete the Parrot Head Scholarship Application found on the PHiP website at Please email your completed application and essay to:

David Cohen
PHiP Secretary

DEADLINE FOR APPLICANTS is MARCH 31st, 2021, for enrollment for fall term (summer terms not applicable). Students may apply yearly; the awards will be given annually, based on a new application process.

Good Luck to all applicants!

David Cohen,

Secretary, Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc.

2012 – 2021 Scholarship Chair

2013 – 2021 Scholarship Raffle Chair

2017- 2021 Mini Mart Chair

January 2021 Tradewind Times is now available



The latest edition of the PHIP quarterly newsletter, the Tradewind Times, is now on line to view.  Club leaders please share with your members.  This one has a lot of good information in it!
The new PHIP Board Members are introduced.  All the contest winners are identified: Golden Coconut Award, Membership Contest, Website Contest, Newsletter Contest, plus the PHIP Scholarship raffle winner.
There’s an update on the PHIP MOTM charitable donations made last fall, new MOTM co-chairs, dates and registration opening for 2021.

Or you can always find the newsletter on the PHIP website at then look to the left and scroll down to the Tradewind Times.

This is my last edition after eight years as editor.  It has been a labor of love for me, but time for someone new.  Stephen Woods, from Galveston is taking over and will have a new format for you next time.
Take care, stay safe, and hope to see you in Key West!
Sally Spenny
last time as Editor of the PHIP Tradewind Times
San Antonio PHC Dir of Communications



January is the time to renew your annual dues. All 2021
dues must be paid by January 31st.

It doesn’t matter what month you joined because our dues are only $10.00 per person and we do not pro-rate them. There are two ways to pay your dues as a result of Covid 19. Please use Method 1 or Method 2.

Method 1- Use our website to renew, Go to: Click here to Join or Renew picture (or click this link!) and follow the directions. You do not fill out a form to renew. There is a 61cent fee that you need to add to your $10.00 for each membership being renewed. This is the fee to PayPal. Also, you do not need to have a PayPal account. Any credit card can be used.

Method 2
Renew your membership through the mail. Send check to

Emerald Isle Parrot Heads
PO Box 4293
Emerald Isle, NC 28594-4293

Please remember that if dues are paid later than January 31st, you will have to rejoin the club and fill out the form again. Our data base is updated in February to reflect current paid memberships. Our club dues are lower than any other club.

After paying a small amount of each membership to the National Parrot Head Club, we use the rest to run projects to help the community.

Hopefully, we will be meeting face to face by next summer. Until then stay healthy!

President’s Notes, December 2020

“BIRDS OF A PHEATHER PHLOCK TOGETHER!” That’s what we do under normal (whatever that is) circumstances.  We share common interests for the island lifestyle, partying with a purpose, and working together to improve our surroundings. This past year has been difficult and frustrating! We canceled nearly all events and were forced to hold our monthly PHlockings virtually, which were few and far between!

But guess what?  WE’RE STILL HERE! Nothing could prove this any better than the 2020 Island Santa Bar Crawl and its huge success. We defied all odds and worked together as a PHlock to provide many wishes for Make-A-Wish, ENC and the wish kids of Carteret County! Our perseverance paid off!

So, I say “Bring it on 2021!”  We will remain hopeful and do what we can do, not what we can’t.  We’ll continue to search for what is meaningful and good and be involved in making our world a little better than the way we found it! And finally, when allowed to PHlock, and actually hug and see each other’s smiling faces, we’ll celebrate life and love with one ‘Helluva’ Party! Happy New Year ya’ll with your PHins up! Jan H. President

President’s Notes November 2020

Here comes Santa Crawl, here comes Santa Crawl

Right down Santa Crawl Lane

Dinners and parties for Phamilies and Phriends

While Parrot Heads entertain.


This Christmas Cheer gives Wish Kids here

A chance for dreams to come true,

Donate your gift, be glad you did

Cause it all begins with YOU!

 Click here: Donation to Make-a-Wish (Island Santa Bar Crawl) | Emerald Isle Parrothead Club ( or visit our website and click in the menu Donation to Make-A-Wish.

While the songwriting should be left to Jimmy, I hope my message is loud and clear. We are thankful to have several Parrot Heads hosting their own events with Phriends and Phamilies online and off to raise money for Make-A-Wish, ENC. However, if you are not already involved,  you too have the opportunity to make a tremendous difference in the lives of our Carteret County  Wish Kids by contributing as little as $5 or $10 to this worthy cause. Our club is over 350 strong.  Together we can make this 2020 Island Santa Bar Crawl the best yet!  Learn more about the Crawl held from December 4 through December 13,  by visiting our website at

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a joyful Happy New Year! May your days be filled with calm seas and picture-perfect sunsets as reminders of what a wonderful world this can be! Phins Up! Jan H.



President’s Notes October 2020

First, Happy Halloween! Can’t believe we are looking at the end of October and are about to enter November and Thanksgiving!

With all  the negativity going on in the news, now’s the time for you and your PHLOCK to party and plan some real PHUN this Thanksgiving! Here’s some tips for children or for childish adults like us in making this one special:

  • Be sure to “have a moment” at the beginning of the meal to offer up a simple prayer or reflection. Remember those who are no longer with you and welcome those who are new to the crew. Perhaps everyone can take a turn to say one thing they’re especially grateful for. This is a heartfelt, sincere, and ultimately childlike way to bring everyone to a similar mindset as you gather together. Ignore the eye rolls and enjoy the moment.
  • We love to dress up according to a theme. Clothes are an easy way to express enthusiasm for the moment at hand. If you’re on the conservative side, now’s the time to splurge on those 99-cent turkey socks or dig through the closet to find autumn-colored clothes. On the other end of the spectrum, you could pick up a turkey hat. Don’t miss the chance to show your true colors. Could it get a bit ridiculous? Of course.
  • Football is a big part of the Thanksgiving tradition for many families. But you don’t have to leave all the fun to the pros. Invite folks to play a family/friend game, something that crosses generations and involves everyone. A few favorites to think about are cornhole, spoons, flag football, kickball, hot potato, Pictionary, bingo, and Apples for Apples. 

These are just a few ideas.  You’ll find lots of ways to celebrate online.  Be sure to feast on some Jimmy Buffett tunes while you’re at it, read what’s happening in your November edition of the EIPHC Newsletter, and follow our website  and Facebook page to so you can “Party With a Purpose.” Happy Thanksgiving Phriends! Jan H., President

President’s Notes September 2020

Now Fall has arrived and it’s time to pick the perfect pumpkin, beware of candy corn, turn off your air conditioner, raise the windows, put the bathing suit away and pull out your old warm sweaters and sweatpants! You can enjoy the cool crisp air and the leaves dressed in orange, red, and yellow.  Fall is a wonderful time of the year!  Make the most of it with your PHamily and PHriends and be thankful!

Though it has been a tough year for the Parrot Heads, nothing has dampened our spirits and our ability to make people who are strangers into PHriends, work together in community service, join in charitable contributions and assist in community based ventures. This has been demonstrated on many levels by many individuals and businesses. We remain a “Phlock” locked together by our love for one another and our surroundings. Thank you to all involved!

Be sure to join us for the October PHlash PHlocking, the Trolley Car Happy Hour in November, and a virtual Santa Crawl Dinner/Party in December.  Details on these events can be found in our Newsletter as well as by visiting and on our Facebook page. I appreciate your patience and understanding as we try to organize and manage these events.  As you know, sometimes unforeseen things get in the way and our best-laid plans are no longer. We will try hard to keep you up to date!  Miss you much! Remember to “Party with a Purpose” every chance you get! Jan H, President