Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club

Phluff Up the Phlock

 Annual Membership Meeting

January 10, 2023

The annual meeting of the “Phluff Up the Phlock” Membership Meeting will be held Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 6 pm, in the home of Lois Gray, 6717 Ocean Drive, Emerald Isle, NC.  All club members are invited.  If you have not already paid your dues, you may pay them at the meeting.

The main purpose of the meeting is to select and vote upon members for the Board of Directors and Members at Large, and to schedule major events and the people (Big Birds) to head up each one. Please review our BYLAWS at www.emeraldisleparrotheads.com for information and qualifications of officers prior to the meeting. They are found in the Menu, under “Membership.”

In addition, attendees will be given the Annual Report by Betty Strader, turned in each year to PHIP, Inc., which will reflect all events, monies donated for each, and grand totals for 2022 donations.  Among others, we will also hear from Joel Dunn regarding our technical capabilities, including Website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

2022 has been an exciting year for our Club and next year will be here before we know it. If you are interested in being a part of 2023 as an Officer, Big Bird, Committee Chairman, or Phlocking Big Bird, please join us! If you just want to come and be a part of the planning, you are welcome. A  list of Board Members and Members at Large are listed on our Website and in any of our 2022 Newsletters. Come help us ring in the NEW YEAR! Jan H., Prez


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